4 Most Horrifying Versions of Spider-Man We Need to See on Big Screens

Maybe it’s time for a not-so-friendly neighborhood Spider-Man?
Spider-Man has always been a beacon of hope and justice. But there are versions of this beloved character that take our hero to dark and unexpected places.
Let’s take a look at some of the darkest Spider-People that you’d love to see a horror movie about.
Superior Spider-Man
Imagine if Spider-Man's enemies got a chance to be him. That's exactly what happened in Amazing Spider-Man #698. Doc Ock, when he's on his last legs, pulls a switcheroo with Peter Parker's mind. Then, he starts using Peter's powers to do some good in the world. Pretty unexpected, right?
But here's the twist — Doc Ock, as Spider-Man, was more effective than Peter himself, earning him the title Superior. However, his crime-fighting methods were downright terrifying. He didn't hesitate to kill or torture criminals.
He even used his robotic spiders to rule New York. Despite his good intentions, he eventually realized his mistakes and relinquished control over Peter's body.
Savage Spider-Man
In Non-Stop Spider-Man, our hero faces off against the Immaculatum and Baron Zemo. Zemo sticks Spider-Man with this serum called A-Plus, and Spider-Man turns into a massive spider monster
Zemo then uses the Savage Spider-Man for his own purposes. Eventually, Spider-Man regains his human form, along with enhanced intelligence, and defeats Zemo and the Immaculatum.
Patton Parnell
Patton Parnell's story is like a darker version of Spider-Man's beginning. Parnell lives with his mean Uncle Ted and gets bitten by a test-tube spider at Alcorp Industries.
But here's the twist, instead of turning into a superhero, Parnell starts doing some really creepy stuff. He begins to web people up and, yep, eat them - his uncle included. He even bites his neighbor, Sarah Jane, and then morphs into this huge, scary spider.
The story ends with hundreds of baby spiders emerging from Sarah Jane's neck, a chilling reminder of what Spider-Man could have been.
The '90s Spider-Man: The Animated Series gave us one of the most unhinged versions of Peter Parker — Spider-Carnage. This version of Peter, who lost both Uncle Ben and Aunt May, becomes the perfect host for the Carnage symbiote.
So, Spider-Carnage has this wild idea to make a hole between dimensions that could wipe out everything. The story ends with Spider-Carnage sacrificing himself for the greater good, after a heart-to-heart with an otherworldly Uncle Ben.