TV The Big Bang Theory

4 Times Sheldon Acted Like He Wasn't Total Weirdo We'd Come To Expect

4 Times Sheldon Acted Like He Wasn't Total Weirdo We'd Come To Expect
Image credit: CBS

Yeah, Sheldon being normal is not what we got to see a lot.

The Big Bang Theory gave us lots of different main characters, and each one of them got their own main personal traits that almost defined them. For example, Raj and his inability to talk to women or Leonard being unconfident and lactose intolerant.

But there were so many things that we could use describing Sheldon’s personality that the list could be a hundred-page long.

Still, there are some very obvious traits that we could never leave out. Sheldon was probably the most selfish person on the show, incapable of showing any kind of compassion or emotional support.

Yes, that is who he is. But sometimes, over 12 seasons of the show, he proved us wrong and actually behaved like the best friend and person there could ever be in this world. And here are the best examples.

1. Offering Penny his money and being okay with that

In season 2 episode 14, Penny was facing some financial problems with paying her rent and repairing her apartment. After finding out about that, Sheldon decides to help her out and offers to loan her some money until she can get back on her feet.

Sheldon being Sheldon, fans were expecting him to present her with some sort of “loan agreement" requiring her to pay the money back in full within a certain amount of time, but he simply told Penny that she was free to pay him back when she could afford to.

2. Comforting Howard when his mother passed away

In season 8, episode 15 was one of the saddest episodes of the whole show. It's the one where Howard found out that his mother had died, so we can understand why he spent the whole episode upset about it.

Sure, everyone tried to comfort Howard in that terrible, heartbreaking moment, but it was what Sheldon said that actually helped him. He said, "When my father died, I had no friends to help me through it. You do." And that was the best thing he could say.

”I thought that was a great move by the writers. Sheldon is the only other member of the main gang to have lost a parent, so even if he is often a bit aloof and uncaring, he knows what Howard is going through better than everyone else,” Redditor JamesL25 said.

3. Not reporting Leonard to the police

In season 3 episode 22, Leonard told Penny the iconic story of how he met Sheldon and how the elevator in their building got broken. As the story unfolded, fans learned that Leonard also gave scientific secrets to a Russian spy and actually caused the elevator to explode.

When Leonard's scientific experiment went wrong, Sheldon not only saved his life by moving the barrel into the elevator to keep them out of harm's way, but he also didn't report Leonard to the police, even though he barely knew him at that time.

4. Protecting Leonard

Probably one of Sheldon’s most sincere acts of love happened in season 6 episode 2. It was the time when Penny was thinking about ending things with Leonard because she wasn’t sure that their relationship was what they both wanted.

But Sheldon went over to her apartment to try to save their couple. He had a long list prepared which had all the great things about Leonard in it. But the sweetest thing was when he paused for a minute and said “Penny...please don't hurt my friend.” And that just hit differently.