TV Stranger Things

4 Times When Steve From Stranger Things Was an Absolute Sweetheart

4 Times When Steve From Stranger Things Was an Absolute Sweetheart
Image credit: Legion-Media

Here's why we all love this babysitter with a heart of gold.

Stranger Things has so many great characters, it's hard to deny it. But who is the one with the best character development?

Arguably it's Steve Harrington, once a douche and a bully who became the sweetest guy on the show.

Let's take a minute to remember the moments that made us fall in love with this sweetheart.

Steve reunites with Dustin

The friendship between Steve and Dustin deserves its own article. In season 3, Steve got a job at an ice cream shop. After not seeing Dustin for a long time, they finally reunite as Dustin visits him at Steve's workplace.

You can tell by the way Steve acts that he really cares about this little dude and how happy he is to see him. And they even have a cool secret handshake between them.

Steve and Robin's friendship

At the same ice cream shop, Steve made friends with his coworker Robin. These two shared quite a few memorable moments. But there is one that is the most special.

We are talking about Steve's conversation with Robin in the bathroom, in season 3. Steve was so genuine and sympathetic in this scene.

Robin actually liked Steve for how sweet he was, but she broke his heart when revealed that she wasn't into boys.

Steve the babysitter

Steve has earned his title as the best babysitter on the show. We are talking about how Steve always cares and looks after the rest of the group. Those moments are so numerous that it would be hard to mention them all.

You can't help but love this guy when he protects those who really need his protection, whether it's knocking out Max's brother, or fighting off Demodogs with a baseball bat.

Steve dreams about having kids

In season 3, when Steve and Nancy were driving in the RV, he told her about the dream he sometimes has where he's got this big family with 5 or 6 kids.

Just the way Steve talks about it, you can totally tell he'd make an awesome dad.

He later confesses to Nancy that she was also in this dream. And it was heartbreaking to see again that Steve still has feelings for Nancy.