5 Absolute Worst Fan Takes on Game of Thrones

5 Absolute Worst Fan Takes on Game of Thrones
Image credit: HBO

When we embarked on the journey to find the worst GoT fan takes online, we didn’t expect this much nonsense. Nevertheless, we picked five terrible takes for you to cringe and enjoy.

5. The Best Winterfell Battle

Believe it or not, there are quite a few people claiming that the Battle of Winterfell (aka the one with the White Walkers) was “in every way better” than the Battle of Bastards. Don’t get us wrong, the latter was not perfect — but saying that several dozen minutes of a pitch-black screen is better than anything is quite a statement.

4. The Things We Do For Love

Some fans believe that Petyr Baelish, aka Littlefinger, genuinely loved Catelyn Stark. Obviously, his getting her husband executed, murdering her sister, trying to get nasty with her daughter and then marrying her off to the Boltons were all signs of true love. We’re kind of terrified for those folks’ personal lives if that’s what they call love at all.

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3. Innocence And Ignorance

“Daenerys did nothing wrong” is arguably among the most common and the most ignorant terrible GoT takes. We get it, you’re trying to protect Emilia Clarke — but let’s be real and recount how many people Dany had killed, justly and not, since the beginning of the show and until her unfortunate demise. But you’ll need a calculator.

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2. Who Ate Whom, Again?

Okay, this one’s just bizarre. So, some fans claim that Nymeria ate Arya when they met in the woods. Then, Bran Stark realized that the Night King wouldn’t be defeated without his sister, so he traveled back in time, warged into Nymeria, and saved Arya so that she could kill the Night King — and this was the timeline we saw in the show.

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1. The Most Generic Plot Twist

“Bran is the Night King” is undeniably one of the most popular fan theories that just refuses to die off for some mysterious reason. It wasn’t proven in the show whatsoever, and there are quite a few interesting and more thought-through alternatives to this most generic “Dark Bran” concept if you like them that much. Try something new. Bran is not the Night King. Move on.

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