Movies Harry Potter Lupin

5 Coolest Yet Underrated Characters in Harry Potter

5 Coolest Yet Underrated Characters in Harry Potter
Image credit: Warner Bros.

Harry Potter has several hundreds of characters, but everyone’s always focused on the major dozen or so. Fans decided to fix this ignorance and cherish the real G’s!

We all know Severus Snape’s tragic story, and the discussion of whether Albus Dumbledore’s an evil genius was already old when it started.

Sure, Harry could’ve been a great partner for Hermione, and Sirius Black would’ve been alive if he just treated his house-elf better. And Love Potions are totally immoral, you’re right.

If you’re ready to move past those decades-old debates, let’s spend some time away from them — and appreciating the real badass folks everyone seems to keep forgetting about.

These five characters are cool as hell and deserve more love!

5. Minister Oblansk

The Bulgarian Minister of Magic, Oblansk only made a short appearance at the start of The Goblet of Fire: he was one of the most important guests on the Quidditch World Cup finale.

Oblansk was hiding his ability to speak English for many hours just to troll Minister Fudge and make him communicate through gestures. Massive W.

4. Buckbeak

The hippogriff may seem like a weird choice, but he was one hell of a guy.

Buckbeak punished Draco for rudeness, saved Harry and Hermione from Lupin the werewolf, helped Sirius escape and then became his good friend, defended Harry in his duel with Snape, and even fought Voldemort’s giants in the Battle of Hogwarts. Mad lad.

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3. Kreacher

The Blacks’ house-elf appeared utterly unlikeable at first, but he later turned out to be a really cool guy.

Kreacher literally hunted a Horcrux with his master, showed the true definition of loyalty to the grave every step of the way, and in the end, he even led an entire house-elf army against the Death Eaters. Don’t mess with Kreacher.

5 Coolest Yet Underrated Characters in Harry Potter - image 22. Bill Weasley

Everyone remembers Bill for just being the coolest of the Weasley siblings, but he’s more than just a rocker boy. We’re not even talking about how he kept helping Harry and fought in the Order of the Phoenix, either.

The biggest thing is, he married Fleur Delacour! Bill clearly had some serious game and deserves the silver medal for that.

5 Coolest Yet Underrated Characters in Harry Potter - image 31. Mrs. Figg

Mrs. Figg was a squib and still became a member of the Order of the Phoenix. She had direct rapport with Albus Dumbledore and exactly zero chill: the old lady beat down a wizard with a bag of cat food cans! Some might say bringing a squib to fight the Dark Lord is like taking a spoon to a nuclear war but well…

Everybody’s gangsta until the bag of cat food cans comes out.

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