5 Highest-Rated DreamWorks Animated Movies of All Time, Ranked

5 Highest-Rated DreamWorks Animated Movies of All Time, Ranked
Image credit: Dreamworks/Paramount Pictures

DreamWorks has made quite a lot of phenomenal animated movies, but according to Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb, these five are straight-up the greatest of all time.

Note: We calculated the final scores of these movies by adding up their scores on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb, resulting in a 200-point system.

5. Mr. Peabody and Sherman (2014) — 145 points

In many ways, Mr. Peabody and Sherman was far ahead of the curve. This movie introduced time travel when this topic hasn’t been exactly explored in animation the way it’s done today, and took its viewers on spectacular journeys to the past. While not exactly famous, Mr. Peabody and Sherman opens our rating with 77 and 68 points on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb, respectively.

4. Megamind (2010) — 145.5 points

Another animated movie that didn’t exactly follow the rules, Megamind introduced a new plot perspective into animation: a story told from the main villain’s POV. Even though Megamind eventually turned to the good side, it was still something new — and the movie itself was great. Megamind earned 72.5 and 73 points on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb, respectively.

5 Highest-Rated DreamWorks Animated Movies of All Time, Ranked - image 1

3. Kung Fu Panda ( 2008) — 161 points

Speaking of uniqueness, what idea could be more unique than having a clumsy and always-hungry panda with a goose for a father learn kung fu, almost accidentally defeat the main villain, and fulfill an ancient prophecy? Kung Fu Panda had everything required for greatness and greatness it achieved — as well as 85 and 76 points on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb, respectively.

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2. Shrek (2001) — 168 points

Saying that Shrek invented the new golden standard for animated movies would not be an exaggeration. DreamWorks’ most famous character, Shrek also brags the title of one of the most recognizable and beloved characters in general. We were genuinely surprised that this movie didn’t end up getting the gold — but the second place with 89 and 79 points on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb is respectable, too.

5 Highest-Rated DreamWorks Animated Movies of All Time, Ranked - image 3

1. How to Train Your Dragon ( 2010) — 176 points

The highest-rated animated movie by DreamWorks, How to Train Your Dragon is an overall phenomenal story complemented by a compelling visual style. Seeing how popular this movie became immediately after its release, we knew it would end up on this list. How to Train Your Dragon can boast 95 and 81 points on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb, respectively.

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