5 Most Iconic Henry Cavill Scenes in The Witcher S3

5 Most Iconic Henry Cavill Scenes in The Witcher S3
Image credit: Netflix

Cavill's Geralt of Rivia had a phenomenal run in the series, and many of his scenes were downright iconic: take these five S3 sequences, for (prime) example!

5. The Aeschna Hunt

Terrorizing the water channel to Thanedd, the aeschna was a terrifying aquatic beast — until it came across Geralt and Ciri, that is. The Witcher 's daughter was insisting they had to defeat the monster together, and after Geralt gave up to her wish, we received one of the most well-staged fights of the entire series.

Geralt often allowed Ciri to take the spotlight, and they were both amazing with their swords and determined looks. Huge props to Allan and Cavill who did this scene themselves, without stunt doubles.

4. The Thanedd Ball

Obviously, the mage ball in Aretuza was really far down in Geralt's list of places he wanted to be at, and we can clearly see it. While surrounded by politics, wizardry, veiled threats, and other utterly fake attributes of the mages, the Witcher's sarcasm and clear boredom make this sequence incredibly amusing to watch.

But the ultimate highlight of the ball, apart from Geralt's mockery of wizards, is his and Yennefer's beautiful and gentle final night together. Chalotra and Cavill's wonderfully nuanced performance was at its peak here.

5 Most Iconic Henry Cavill Scenes in The Witcher S3 - image 1

3. The Vilgefortz Duel

We've never seen the Witcher defeated so utterly and completely. To allow Ciri, his daughter, to escape during the coup, Geralt stays behind and engages in a fight with mage Vilgefortz...without knowing his true strength. Both the viewers and the White Wolf are shocked upon realizing how immensely powerful the mage is, but it's too late to back down.

Geralt is property destroyed in this fantastic fighting sequence, and the emotional side of the duel is done exceptionally well, too. No one can say that Jadu and Cavill were not amazing in this scene and remain sane in our book.

2. The Brokilon Recovery

The fight with Vilgefortz broke the Witcher down like nothing else ever had, and his recovery was just as painful as his defeat. Struggling with his own body, Geralt has to spend ages to be able to merely walk, and his burning desire to get out into the world and find Ciri both helps and plagues him.

Apart from the emotional side of Geralt's recovery in Brokilon, there are many great scenes with the members of his hansa. The best one, of course, is with Yen: Chalotra and Cavill nail their last goodbye beautifully, revealing just how far their characters have come.

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1. The Checkpoint Massacre

After recovering, Geralt and his hansa begin moving, and as they pass the Nilfgaardian checkpoint, the Witcher overhears the Nilfs threatening a family — specifically, by claiming they'd rape their teenage daughter. Having just lost Ciri, the White Wolf reacts in the only natural way for him at the moment: by butchering every last Nilf at the checkpoint.

This is by far one of the most incredibly-choreographed battles in the entire series, and both Geralt and his hansa are brilliant, even though we can see that the Witcher is still not quite the same. Of course, Henry Cavill 's last scene in the show had to be a fighting sequence — and a phenomenal one, at that.