TV The Boys

5 Most Overlooked The Boys’ Supes, Ranked From Mid To Criminally Underrated

5 Most Overlooked The Boys’ Supes, Ranked From Mid To Criminally Underrated
Image credit: Amazon Prime Video

Some of them can still impress you in the future.

Although The Boys shows the most unhinged side of superheroes, many people still obsess over them and admire their powers. However, not every supe in the show’s universe is the same: while some, like Homelander or Soldier Boy, get a lot of recognition, others can go unnoticed.

Here are 5 heroes unfairly overlooked by the viewers, ranked from the least to most underrated.

5. Starlight

Although she is one of the leading characters who had a lot of time to develop and shine bright in all her true powers, there are still some people not seeing her as a strong opponent to any other supe. Luckily, there’s still time for Starlight to prove herself to those who doubt her.

4. Mesmer

If nobody had ever figured out who Mesmer was, and what powers he had, he could’ve easily destroyed the whole society with his powers and not caused a large scene about it. Although his power is not physical, and he’d need some protection, being able to solve every single court case, investigation, or argument is beyond impressive.

3. Translucent

The real issue with Translucent was not the lack of superstrength but his own arrogance and cockiness. Were he a little more cautious, he could have escaped the fight with Hughie and ended up alive, as his invisibility is one of the greatest powers there can be.

2. Lamplighter

As the hero that was capable of scorching supes with little to no effort, Lamplighter definitely deserves second place on this list. If only the show spent a little more time on character development, fans for sure would be able to see much more destroying Lamplighter can do.

1. The Deep

Despite being one of the characters that the show focuses quite a lot on, The Deep is still highly underrated. He ends up being the butt of the joke more than showing off his powers. Right now, many fans are left to hope for an epic underwater season 4 battle that would show exactly what The Deep is capable of.