5 Netflix Shows That Are a Waste of Everyone's Time, According to Critics

Not even Netflix gets everything right.
Throughout its years of existence and independent content creation, Netflix has produced countless amazing original series and films across genres, languages, and themes.
While many of them, like Stranger Things or Marriage Story, have been lauded by audiences and critics alike, there are just as many misses as there are hits.
Let's take a deep dive into the bottom of each Netflix series list to find out which ones have the lowest critical reception. Every series in the list below has a Rotten Tomatoes score of 10% or lower.
Lunatics – 10%
This mockumentary series explores the lives of six extraordinary individuals, all written and portrayed by Chris Lilley.
Although the series is intended to be attention-grabbing and has received positive feedback from audiences, it hasn't received much critical acclaim.
The I-Land – 8%
This US mystery adventure drama tells the story of ten people who wake up on a treacherous island and try to find their way back home.
Unfortunately, the miniseries was not well received by the public and critics and was canceled after only 7 episodes.
Another Life – 6%
Another fantasy drama from 2019 that struggled to find its audience and ended up with extremely low ratings.
It focuses on veteran astronaut Captain Niko Breckinridge, who takes over the spaceship and tries to communicate with the aliens who sent an unidentified flying object to Earth.
Tiger King: The Doc Antle Story – 0%
Not to be confused with its much more successful competitor Tiger King (2020), this 3-episode documentary could not interest anyone at all.
Whether this is because of the previous success of the TV show of the same name or because of the actual production quality, you can only find out by trying to watch it.
Real Rob – 0%
Too bad this show got an overall score of 0%, because it could definitely hurt Rob Schneider's feelings. For two seasons it followed his real life and starred his wife Patricia and daughter Miranda.
However, his character was so unlikable and unrelatable that the show never found its audience.