5 Sci-Fi Gems That Tap Into Our Worst Nightmares, Handpicked by Reddit

5 Sci-Fi Gems That Tap Into Our Worst Nightmares, Handpicked by Reddit
Image credit: Warner Bros.

“I've seen things you people wouldn't believe…”

It’s no longer rare when science fiction books and movies predict the future, both for the good and for the bad. Sometimes sci-fi premises are so unhinged that we pray they will stay fiction forever and never actually happen, but only time will tell the truth.

Here are 5 sci-fi must-watches with outrageous premises that scare Redditors.

1. Blade Runner ( 1982)

Ridley Scott ’s tale about bioengineered humanoids who rise up against those who created them is full of concepts that are almost real now, but, luckily, only almost. We already have powerful corporations stalking us everywhere and controlling our lives, but replicants are still just fictional, and no one wants to wake up having fake memories.

2. Children of Men (2006)

Directed by Alfonso Cuarón, this dark dystopia shows that humanity is on the brink of collapse after decades of infertility. However, it’s not really about such a risk, but rather about societal decline, when unprecedented violence, slavery and authoritarianism are parts of everyday life, and everything we’re afraid of nowadays is normalized there.

3. Gattaca (1997)

This star-studded gem is set in a world where children are conceived through genetic selection, as they must possess the best hereditary traits of their parents. Through Ethan Hawke’s lead it shows that genetic discrimination can happen in the future and how inhumane and horrifying it can be. We hope our society will never fall that low.

4. Idiocracy (2006)

Here comes a sci-fi comedy, the plot of which revolves around a man who ends up the cleverest one in an anti-intellectual society. It satirizes the tendency that people are now sticking to consumerism, and it makes us sillier and unable to make decisions.

According to some Redditors, it’s already happening. What do you think, though?

5. The Road (2009)

Starring The Lord of the Rings ’ Aragorn actor Viggo Mortensen, this post-apocalyptic movie depicts that America has turned into a wasteland, with zero animals alive and only a few humans surviving the end of the world. It speaks about the aftermath of a possible nuclear war and shows us how cruel the consequences can be.

Source: Reddit

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