5 Scrubs Episodes That Made Fans Cry Like a Baby

Sometimes it is comedy that delivers the most heart-wrenching moments.
Oddly enough, it's usually comedies that provide viewers with the most heartbreaking moments, because it's ten times sadder to see these people, who are usually joking and laughing, experiencing severe mental anguish.
We recalled when Scrubs broke our hearts, and recommend that you watch these episodes again — you know, in case you're up for an emotional rollercoaster.
1. My Cold Shower – Season 6 Episode 19
Elliot gets married, and everyone begins to feel sorry for J.D., though he pretends he doesn't care. In between discussions about the celebration, he tries to have sex with Melody, but she keeps refusing, because in an attempt to create a new relationship, J.D. is just looking for comfort.
Scrubs has always had heartbreaking endings, but this one is capable of crushing even the coldest of viewers – in the bar where the wedding is being celebrated, J.D. stands alone, telling himself that it should have been him instead of Keith.
2. My Long Goodbye – Season 6 Episode 15
Scrubs has often taught us how to deal with loss, but My Long Goodbye may be the most outstanding episode about how important it is to just let someone go. Sister Laverne is in a coma, all the doctors have said their last words, and only Carla is desperately outraged.
The closer we get to the end, the more Carla herself realizes that her rebellion has to do with her own unwillingness to say goodbye.
3. My Last Words – Season 8 Episode 2
J.D. and Turk's workday is coming to an end and they are planning to go to a steakhouse, but their plans are ruined by a patient – he is about to leave this world and just wants to drink beer before he dies. Two friends bring him the beer, want to run away and suddenly find out that the man does not have a single relative.
So now the trio is discussing heaven and hell and dying wishes. As their dialog progresses, it becomes clear that neither the patient nor the two doctors know how to accept their own and each other's deaths.
4. My Catalyst – Season 3 Episode 12
The appearance of Kevin Casey first evokes admiration from J.D. and co., and then, when it becomes clear that they are all inferior to a professional, irritation.
Casey repeats his name ten times and keeps washing his hands, while Dorian, Cox and Turk come up with a plan for revenge. As soon as they enter the operating room, however, it becomes clear that Casey pays dearly for his success. Another important reminder from Scrubs that behind many outstanding people, there is an unenviable sacrifice. In the case of this episode – OCD.
5. My Finale: Part 2 – Season 8 Episode 19
J.D. walks toward the exit, and memories of old colleagues, friends and enemies flashing before his eyes. Along the way, he also fantasizes about events that have yet to happen, such as his wedding to Elliot and the engagement of Sam and Izzy.
This parade of nostalgia and dreams is perhaps the show's most visually inventive moment. If you ever wanted to challenge your friends to see who could be the first to shed a tear, just tune in to the final episode.