5 Star Wars Mysteries That Remain Unsolved Over 40 Years Later

Throughout the franchise's history, many of its lingering questions have been answered one way or another, but some remain shrouded in mystery.
Since its creation in 1977, the Star Wars franchise has expanded to a degree no one could have predicted almost half a century ago, growing to immeasurable proportions, including hundreds of movies, shows, games, books, and every other medium imaginable.
Of course, many things that were originally considered great mysteries of the Star Wars universe were eventually answered, but many others remain unsolved.
So let's take a look at five of the biggest Star Wars mysteries that remain unanswered after all these years.
1. Who is Anakin Skywalker's father?
The only information given by the films suggests that Anakin was conceived by the Force itself, possibly by the midi-chlorians (the microscopic organisms that channel the Force) themselves, but no definitive answers have been given since.
The Darth Plagueis novel by James Luceno (which, unfortunately, is no longer canon) suggested that he may have been a reaction of the Force to manipulation by Darth Sidious and his master, Darth Plagueis, but the new Disney canon hasn't returned to this question.
2. How does the Force work?
One of the most controversial things introduced by the prequel trilogy was the aforementioned midi-chlorians, as many fans didn't appreciate that the mystery surrounding The Force was practically ruined.
Considering this, it is no wonder that there have been no further attempts to explain The Force in a more or less scientific way, leaving the question of how it can grant so many drastically different abilities up in the air.
3. What's Yoda's species?
After The Mandalorian introduced Grogu in its debut episode, some fans wondered if we would finally learn the name of his (and Master Yoda's) species, but even three seasons later, the mystery remains unsolved.
Considering that it was the intention of Star Wars creator George Lucas himself, it's unlikely that we'll ever get an answer to that question.
4. Why do some droids feel pain?
While the question of whether the droids are sentient can be explained by the fact that some of them can develop some sort of personality over time, especially without the frequent memory wipes, there is still no answer to the question of why some of them seem to feel pain while others do not.
Some fans speculate that the non-combat models feel pain in order to properly assess danger, while for the combat droids it would just be a setback, but no official explanation has been given.
5. Is Finn Force-sensitive?
Finn, portrayed by John Boyega in the sequel trilogy, was one of the characters who suffered the most from the constant changes between movies, with many ideas about him eventually being scrapped.
Given the subtle hints throughout Episode VII, it appeared that he was indeed Force-sensitive, until the character was sidelined in later films.
Perhaps the upcoming Rey-centric Star Wars movie will revisit the issue, but for now, the entire storyline seems to have been abandoned.