5 The Simpsons Episodes That Are Just Too Spicy Even for Adults

Is it even legal to have an animation so sexy?
The Simpsons has proven to be one of the longest running animated series of all time, and arguably the most popular one too. There are many reasons for that: the quirky characters are so relatable most of the time, it's like observing yourself (if you were ever to be put in so many different ridiculous situations).
However, along with that, there are just too many controversies in the series. The writers never shy away from political, religious and other themes that usually make people end up in a fight.
But here we have the list of episodes that are just too sexy even for adults that usually enjoy stuff like that…
1. Life on the Fast Lane (Season 1, Episode 9)

One of the most memorable episodes that have gotten almost too far with the sexy narrative is the one called Life on the Fast Lane. It’s the episode in which Homer is shown as a selfish jerk who never cares about Marge and her needs. So Marge finds a man who does.
While the show implies a lot about infidelity and the upcoming sexual relationship between Marge and her lustful bowling instructor Jacques. Still, she finds it in her heart to stay faithful to her Homie.
2. One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish (Season 2, Episode 11)

The episode actually has a rather sad premise, as it revolves around a story that will result in Homer's death. Due to the fact that a chef at the sushi restaurant where the family was eating was having sex with Edna Krabappel, the intern in charge of the food prepared a poisonous meal for Homer, which resulted in him being given only 22 hours to live.
While the last pity sex was supposed to be something sweet, it ended up being a bit too much when Marge and Homer engaged in their sex marathon on the night Homer was supposed to die.
3. I Married Marge (Season 3, Episode 12)
While there’s also a somewhat sweet premise at the center of the episode, it ended up being a simply disgusting story about public place sex. At the beginning of the episode Marge thought she was pregnant, so Homer went into his mind and took back the memories of how he and Marge conceived Bart.
After a sweet date they decided to continue the evening after seeing The Empire Strikes Back and make love inside of a golf course castle… right where kids play during the day. Ew, not so romantic.
4. Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy (Season 6, Episode 10)
This episode is all about people having sex. It all started when the fragile sex life of Homer and Marge was pointed out, and it was made clear that the wife is disappointed in the way her husband cares for her needs.
In order to fix things, they start looking for suggestions on how to improve their marriage, but nothing helps. Then Grandpa steps in and makes a special tonic, which Homer drinks, and his libido goes through the roof.
So the father and son turn it into a business, selling the tonic to every couple in town, which leads to all the adults having non-stop sex, betraying their social positions and lives outside the bedroom.
5. Catch ’Em If You Can (Season 15, Episode 18)
The whole episode is about Marge and Homer trying to get away from their kids to have sex. It all starts when they are standing in line at the airport to fly to some boring distant relative's birthday, but then they see the line of people flying to Miami. They switch lines and are happy to have some free time from their parental status.
Their plans change when the kids realize that they left them and are having fun without them and try to ruin everything. They chase each other through many cities only to realize in the end that their parents deserve some alone time.