5 Things The Umbrella Academy Season 4 Must Include or Fans Will Riot

5 Things The Umbrella Academy Season 4 Must Include or Fans Will Riot
Image credit: Netflix

The swan song just has to be good.


  • The Umbrella Academy season 4 will be the show's final one
  • There's no release date for the final chapter
  • Fans already have some demands for the final season

Strap yourselves in for the final journey of the chaotic Hargreeves family as they try to navigate themselves in yet another completely new timeline and possibly to stop another apocalypse — this time, the last one.

The Umbrella Academy has become a true hit for Netflix, albeit it has never enjoyed a truly massive promotion from the network like Stranger Things or Wednesday has. Now that the show is heading towards its end, many fans feel bittersweet: some people wanted the Hargreeves family to last for more than just four seasons, while others are simply happy Netflix didn't just axe the show after season 1 (as it does sometimes).

The fandom already knows what exactly it wants to see in the upcoming final season. Here is the list that Netflix better follow.

Allison's Actions Being Addressed

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Okay, a certain someone entered her villain era in season 3, didn't she? Allison Hargreeves has certainly crossed the line as she tried to find some happiness for herself. In the new timeline, she is the only one who got to keep her powers; and the fans believe she needs to have her actions addressed by those close to her.

After all, she basically almost raped Luther and nearly destroyed her family after colluding with Reginald; she can't just enjoy life with her new-found daughter and husband as if nothing ever happened.

The Jennifer Incident Needs Explanation

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It's the last season of The Umbrella Academy, but we're still in the dark when it comes to the show's greatest mystery: how did Ben die? In season 3, the only detail we received was that the family calls it "the Jennifer incident." No further details were provided. Who is Jennifer? What role did she play in Ben's death? Season 4 cannot leave this question unanswered.

A Dance Scene

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Look, fans just want another dance scene in The Umbrella Academy. Call it a guilty pleasure, call it fan service, but the final season needs to have its own signature dance — and it better top the legendary Footloose sequence!

Five Needs a Closure

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The Umbrella Academy made sure that Five became one of the fan favorite characters, which is why season 4 needs to do him justice and provide him with the most emotional arc ever. Fans also crave a proper Founder Five backstory — after all, we basically know nothing about what he had to endure while he was dealing with the consequences of his sudden time jump in season 1!

Klaus Has to Sacrifice Himself

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Hear us out. We love Klaus, you love Klaus, everyone loves Klaus. One of the most charismatic members of the Hargreeves family, he has been growing over the course of the entire show — and no matter how painful it is, fans feel that the only logical way of ending his story would be to kill him off. He needs to reach the peak of his powers — and then, fans believe, it would be heart-wrenching but beautiful for him to sacrifice himself to save his family. Then, he would be able to reunite with Dave, the love of his life.