Álvaro Villanueva

Álvaro Villanueva

With a passion for movies and TV shows, Álvaro brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our team, particularly when it comes to action-adventure franchises.

He is an avid fan of popular franchises such as James Bond and the Fast and Furious series, and has an impressive collection of movie memorabilia to prove it.

Beyond his love of action movies, Álvaro is also a fan of animated TV shows, particularly those aimed at adults. From Rick and Morty to BoJack Horseman, Álvaro enjoys exploring the deeper themes and messages present in these shows, and isn't afraid to offer his honest opinions on their strengths and weaknesses.

Newest R-Rated Puppet Horror Way Scarier Than Five Nights at Freddy's Drops on Shudder in May
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
Newest R-Rated Puppet Horror Way Scarier Than Five Nights at Freddy's Drops on Shudder in May
Missed it in theaters? The wait is almost over.
Crush of the day
Pedro Pascal - Crush of the day
Pedro Pascal From: The Last of Us, Gladiator
How can we not love him?
Hot (82%) Not (18%)
Dead Boy Detectives' Best Sandman Cameo (Which Wasn't Death) Sets a Perfect Season 2
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
Dead Boy Detectives' Best Sandman Cameo (Which Wasn't Death) Sets a Perfect Season 2
We all expected Death, but this cameo was definitely a treat.
Elsbeth's Most Annoying Plot Device Slowly Turning Into a Plot Hole Now
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
Elsbeth's Most Annoying Plot Device Slowly Turning Into a Plot Hole Now
At this point, the show needs to do better already.
Jodie Comer's Newest Crime Drama Is a Must-Watch For Killing Eve's Most Devoted Fans
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
Jodie Comer's Newest Crime Drama Is a Must-Watch For Killing Eve's Most Devoted Fans
It's definitely not a Killing Eve replacement, but it may help you get over it.
5 Certified Fresh Shows of April 2024 (2 Already Have 100% on Tomatometer)
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
5 Certified Fresh Shows of April 2024 (2 Already Have 100% on Tomatometer)
Only the best among the newest.
New R-Rated Vampire Horror About Dracula's Daughter Bests Its 1936 Predecessor
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
New R-Rated Vampire Horror About Dracula's Daughter Bests Its 1936 Predecessor
And it looks like it has some teeth to show.
Apple TV's Best Space Show Needs to Fix 1 Huge Issue Now That It's Renewed For Season 5
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
Apple TV's Best Space Show Needs to Fix 1 Huge Issue Now That It's Renewed For Season 5
We love different cultures, but it can also be pretty challenging.
Netflix's Most Perfect Horror Fantasy in Limbo After Universally-Praised Season 1
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
Netflix's Most Perfect Horror Fantasy in Limbo After Universally-Praised Season 1
It's dangerous to love Netflix's products these days, because they are either canceled or plunged into uncertainty.
Biggest Disaster Sci-Fi of 2023 Finally Gets a Prime Video Streaming Date (With a Twist)
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
Biggest Disaster Sci-Fi of 2023 Finally Gets a Prime Video Streaming Date (With a Twist)
The twist may disappoint you in case you're from the United States.
Unjustly Canceled 90s Sci-Fi Gem Was the 'Trippiest Alien Saga Ever'
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
Unjustly Canceled 90s Sci-Fi Gem Was the 'Trippiest Alien Saga Ever'
Just take us back — only to save all those overlooked treasures of the 1990s!