Álvaro Villanueva

Álvaro Villanueva

With a passion for movies and TV shows, Álvaro brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our team, particularly when it comes to action-adventure franchises.

He is an avid fan of popular franchises such as James Bond and the Fast and Furious series, and has an impressive collection of movie memorabilia to prove it.

Beyond his love of action movies, Álvaro is also a fan of animated TV shows, particularly those aimed at adults. From Rick and Morty to BoJack Horseman, Álvaro enjoys exploring the deeper themes and messages present in these shows, and isn't afraid to offer his honest opinions on their strengths and weaknesses.

Hulu's Newest Crime Drama Is Based on a Terrifying Real Story (2 Episodes Are Already Out)
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
Hulu's Newest Crime Drama Is Based on a Terrifying Real Story (2 Episodes Are Already Out)
Looking for good Hulu originals? Here they are.
Crush of the day
Sam Rockwell - Crush of the day
Sam Rockwell From: The White Lotus
Give him an Emmy nomination!
Hot (44%) Not (56%)
Best 'Timeless' American Detective With 13 Emmys That Holds Up Ever Since 1971
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
Best 'Timeless' American Detective With 13 Emmys That Holds Up Ever Since 1971
This is the gem that brought us "howtocatchem" instead of "whodunit."
A Sci-Fi CBS Canceled After 2 Months on Air Ended Up on Best American TV Series of All Time List
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
A Sci-Fi CBS Canceled After 2 Months on Air Ended Up on Best American TV Series of All Time List
A criminally underrated gem or a fairly forgotten flop? You decide.
Walton Goggins Wanted You to Have a Crush on Fallout's Ghoul
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
Walton Goggins Wanted You to Have a Crush on Fallout's Ghoul
Absolutely no shaming here!
Fallout's Most Chilling Easter Egg Will Be the Worst 15 Seconds of Your Life
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
Fallout's Most Chilling Easter Egg Will Be the Worst 15 Seconds of Your Life
You had to be extra curious to get this one.
Silo Season Count Finally Revealed by Rebecca Ferguson
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
Silo Season Count Finally Revealed by Rebecca Ferguson
Apple TV's sci-fi hit is surely here to stay for a couple more years!
The Good Wife Spinoff No One's Watching Is Surprisingly Good (But Fans Are Worried)
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
The Good Wife Spinoff No One's Watching Is Surprisingly Good (But Fans Are Worried)
Maybe the messy schedule is to blame.
Joker's on You, Barbie: New $1B Clubber Dances Past 19 Million Views in Just 2 Days
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
Joker's on You, Barbie: New $1B Clubber Dances Past 19 Million Views in Just 2 Days
Barbie and Ken who? It's Joker and Harley era. Again.
Best Serial Killer Crime Drama From the 2000s Blows Up Netflix Top
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
Best Serial Killer Crime Drama From the 2000s Blows Up Netflix Top
We are officially back to the 2000s and we love it.
Fans Mourn The Good Doctor Spinoff Ahead of Season 7 Grand Finale
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
Fans Mourn The Good Doctor Spinoff Ahead of Season 7 Grand Finale
"I am a surgeon" meme was fun and games, but you know what's zero fun? Having your favorite show nearing its grand finale.