Álvaro Villanueva

Álvaro Villanueva

With a passion for movies and TV shows, Álvaro brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our team, particularly when it comes to action-adventure franchises.

He is an avid fan of popular franchises such as James Bond and the Fast and Furious series, and has an impressive collection of movie memorabilia to prove it.

Beyond his love of action movies, Álvaro is also a fan of animated TV shows, particularly those aimed at adults. From Rick and Morty to BoJack Horseman, Álvaro enjoys exploring the deeper themes and messages present in these shows, and isn't afraid to offer his honest opinions on their strengths and weaknesses.

The Sandman Season 2 Episode Titles & Count Have Fans Worried Already
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
The Sandman Season 2 Episode Titles & Count Have Fans Worried Already
It may be too soon to fret, though.
Internet Crush of the Day
Walton Goggins - Crush of the day
Walton Goggins From: The White Lotus
He looks perfect in the post-apocalyptic desert AND in a luxurious resort in Thailand, doesn't he?
Hot (59%) Not (41%)
Queen of Tears Soars Over 40M Hours Viewed Thanks to a Single Cameo
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
Queen of Tears Soars Over 40M Hours Viewed Thanks to a Single Cameo
Its TV ratings have also hit a huge new milestone.
Sylvester Stallone's Record-Breaker Tulsa King Finally Back With Season 2
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
Sylvester Stallone's Record-Breaker Tulsa King Finally Back With Season 2
The only Taylor Sheridan series we've actually been waiting for.
Andrew Scott Won't Have You Comparing His New Character to Moriarty
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
Andrew Scott Won't Have You Comparing His New Character to Moriarty
He's not the villain this time.
Jared Padalecki Gives Big Yes to Supernatural Revival
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
Jared Padalecki Gives Big Yes to Supernatural Revival
Is the family business back?
Grey's Anatomy Is Just a Revolving Door of Love-Hate For Fans At This Point
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
Grey's Anatomy Is Just a Revolving Door of Love-Hate For Fans At This Point
The most important thing about this door is that it always open to welcome you back.
Scavengers Reign Season 2 Hopes Fade Due to HBO's Grim Streak With Animation
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
Scavengers Reign Season 2 Hopes Fade Due to HBO's Grim Streak With Animation
It's not like we will ever stop hoping, though.
Viggo Mortensen Joins Western Renaissance With a Clint Eastwood-Worthy Movie
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
Viggo Mortensen Joins Western Renaissance With a Clint Eastwood-Worthy Movie
A western from Aragorn? Yes please!
Forget Paid Subscriptions: 10 Iconic Freevee Shows That Are Completely Free to Stream
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
Forget Paid Subscriptions: 10 Iconic Freevee Shows That Are Completely Free to Stream
Sometimes, you just don't need yet another subscription.
Karl Urban's 16-Year-Old Western Miniseries Aged Like Milk Under Texas Sun
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
Karl Urban's 16-Year-Old Western Miniseries Aged Like Milk Under Texas Sun
That's given that it wasn't a masterpiece back in 2008 already.