5 Times Penny Stole the Sassiest TBBT Character Title with Her Savage One-Liners

You’d better be on good terms with her if you don’t want to get roasted.
If there's one person on The Big Bang Theory who, for some reason, doesn't get called out for her punches nearly enough, it's Penny. Though her comebacks are not as frequent as Sheldon's, and definitely not as hurtful as Bernadette's, they still deserve to be remembered and mentioned once in a while.
After all, who could judge her? Penny was thrown into a friendship with a totally crazy bunch, so she had to learn to communicate their way.
Here are our top five favorite Penny lines that show just how wild she always was.
1. “His right hand is calling him?”
In all honesty, Howard deserved this roast because he has always been creepy not only to Penny but to all women. If anything, she did justice to all women by putting him in his place with that hilarious comment.
2. Raj: “Why do you keep doing this with your face?” Penny: “Because you keep saying stupid things with yours!”
Penny has never been one to take abuse from anyone, especially Raj, who couldn't even talk to her properly before. Now that he does, he’d better choose his words carefully, or she will call him out every time he deserves it.
3. “Your Ken can kiss my Barbie. ”
This was a truly defining moment for Sheldon and Penny's friendship. As smart as they both were, they lacked a significant amount of respect for each other to make the relationship work at that point, but that one line gave Sheldon a perfect sense of what kind of person she was.
4. Penny: “You know, when Leonard’s feeling anxious, I make him take a long walk.” Amy: “Does that help?” Penny: “Well, for a while. Then he comes back.”
We know for a fact that Reddit loves Penny's relationship advice as much as Amy does. Although her relationship with Leonard was rocky for a few years, when they finally tied the knot, it felt like nothing could keep them apart. Except for the said anxiety, of course.
5. “Shouldn’t you be out with your gang? Spray-painting equations on the side of buildings?”
Even a declaration of love can begin with a snide insult if you're cruel enough. Penny was definitely bitter about Leonard's behavior and wanted to hit him where it hurt, but ended up opening up about her own feelings instead. That just goes to show how closely those two sides of her personality are tied together.