5 Times Ross Screwed Up On Friends (Not Counting The Copy Girl)

What excuse does he have for these misfortunes, huh?
Friends is an ensemble cast show with six main characters: Rachel, Joey, Monica, Phoebe, Ross and Chandler. They all have their own quirky personality traits.
For example, Monica is obsessed with cleanliness, Chandler hides his pain in jokes, and Rachel is a shopaholic who can't live without spending money.
However, it seems that the one who got the worst trait is actually Ross, because after watching ten seasons of the show many times, we get to realize that he probably has a pathology that forces him to make bad decisions every time he has a choice.
Of course the first thing that comes to mind is his unfaithfulness when he thought he and Rachel were on a break. Still, here are 5 other times when he ended up being a jerk or a loser.
Well, as you can see, not all of Ross' terrible decisions had big picture consequences, like when he thought they were on a break with Rachel and slept with the copy girl, probably the most hated side character in the entire show.
But still, after so many mistakes he made, you start to question his intellect and wonder if he really deserves to be a professor...