5 TV Shows That Ended In 2023 You Still Have To Watch

5 TV Shows That Ended In 2023 You Still Have To Watch
Image credit: Prime Video/HBO

At least you wouldn’t have to wait for the finale.

With so many series getting canceled after the first season, there are too many people afraid to start watching anything new before they know the show will have at least a chance to develop.

Saying goodbye to the characters you just started to like is too hard to handle, so sometimes it’s easier to stick to the shows that are guaranteed to not end abruptly.

Here’s the list of 5 TV shows that ended in 2023 that you may want to take a look at. No sudden cancellations involved!

The Resident

This medical show that has been going on for 6 years is a great alternative to Grey’s Anatomy for those who love hospitals but get too tired from the soapiness. The Resident keeps the things a little closer to reality, yet entertains the viewers with the drama between the characters.


Written and portrayed by Bill Hader, Barry instantly became a huge hit among the fans of dark humor back in 2018. Now, years later, the show released its final episodes mixing up the genres and exploring all the twisted sides of a life of a low-rent hitman.

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel

If you’re looking for a show that’s fun, lighthearted and empowering all at the same time, and still haven’t seen The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, you’re up for a great treat. This is a story of a woman living in the late ‘50s in New York who suddenly finds the joy of Stand Up Comedy and changes her life because of it.


There’s no chance you haven’t heard about this HBO show at least once. With so many awards and great reviews, Succession made itself a name as a new classic in the television industry. And now you can watch it without the need to wait until next season to finally find out who’s going to win the Roy succession race.

Star Trek: Picard

For all the Star Trek fans that have been following the franchise closely, there is no need to introduce the show. However, if you are thinking of getting back into the Trekkie fandom after a break, this series, continuing the story of Jean-Luc Picard is just the right choice for you.