5 Weird Plot Twists in The White Lotus That May Have Foreshadowed Season 3’s Gruesome Finale

The hit show’s latest season has so far introduced many twists and turns which don’t really make sense (unless it’s on purpose).
Just two more episodes are left for The White Lotus ’ new season before it finally unravels the mystery of who isn’t getting out alive this time.
The series has so far introduced several hints at the eventual outcome, foreshadowing some more to come in the third season’s episode 7 which is now scheduled to be released this Sunday.
Still, even despite their truly shocking nature, some of those plot twists have been quite misleading, leaving The White Lotus’ audiences even more perplexed after each new watch.
This, however, might have another explanation now that the season is getting closer to its ending, and all those revelations might become a major hint at what the finale has in store.
Belinda’s Decision to Not Call the Police Makes It Even Worse
Belinda’s own investigation of Gary aka Greg’s shady past will definitely have its toll on her destiny in this season’s final episode, though it doesn’t really make sense for her to not wrap it up by informing the police that she recognised Greg while both are in Thailand.
Even with her co-worker Fabian refusing to cooperate, Belinda could’ve made an anonymous call letting the authorities know about a suspicious person out there at the resort, but it’s likely she’s afraid Greg will find out about it anyway.
In the finale, this could play out badly for Belinda anyway, considering that no one knows about Greg’s presence in Thailand and he would feel free to bring his own revenge after Belinda’s decision to expose his past.
Fabian’s Indifference Towards Belinda’s Concerns Is Suspicious
Considering how determined Fabian is to make his guests’ vacation in Thailand the best experience they could ever have, it’s pretty weird to see him not taking Belinda seriously when she reveals a man at the resort might be dangerous and even have criminal records.
Additionally, Fabian gives some kind of justifying explanation, saying that many of The White Lotus’ guests are here to escape their normal lives for a little while, as if he was explicitly questioning the credibility of Belinda’s words.
Fabian’s behaviour towards his pretty worried co-worker can only be explained by some sort of secret deal he might have with Greg, which will possibly unravel itself in the finale.
Rick’s Father Might Not Be the One He Thought About All Along
In the third season’s episode 6, Rick and his longtime friend Frank are seen reuniting in Bangkok to visit the house of Jim Hollinger, a wealthy businessman who Rick believes to have killed his father.
Rick’s certainty in Jim’s responsibility for the crime might play out quite differently if the show confirms a popular fan theory that suggests Jim is in fact Rick’s real father.
Considering that we’ve already seen Rick arming up with a gun to bring Jim to justice, the outcome can become an even bigger tragedy for the character.
Gaitok’s Irresponsibility Makes Him Another Potential Victim
Despite having already earned lots of love from the show’s fans for being a simple nice guy (which is a quite rare occasion in The White Lotus), Gaitok has repeatedly reassured everyone he’s completely unfit for the security guard position.
During the previous episodes, he’s been constantly seen leaving his post without no one else patrolling it, even though there might have been new guests arriving at the resort and needing to pass through the security check.
Additionally, this even causes him more trouble when Timothy steals Gaitok’s gun while the latter is somewhere else; even knowing who it was after all, Gaitok doesn’t do anything to retrieve his arm, which would probably backfire for him once the gun is placed in the wrong hands.
Saxon Joins Belinda on Greg’s Potential Victim List
After another portion of shocking revelations about Saxon’s Full-Moon party alongside Chloe, Chelsea and his younger brother Lochlan, the character is seen making an even more stupid thing when he accepts Gary’s invitation to dinner on his yacht.
The whole matter wouldn’t be that complicated hadn’t Saxon slept with Gary’s girlfriend Chloe who, in her turn, makes it all risky for them both and reveals the truth to Gary.
The latter might have seemed okay with it, but Greg is definitely up to something, probably planning to have one of his guests repeat his ex-wife Tanya’s heartbreaking fate.
Since Greg is very likely to have had something to do with Tanya’s death in season 2, his personal issue with Saxon may result in something truly gruesome for the latter.