5 Worst Landman Characters That the Show Wouldn’t Be the Same Without

Some of their controversial plot twists might have made it all even more compelling.
Every story needs its not-so-good characters too, but sometimes it seems like there’s just too much of them — and Landman appears to be one of the most exceptional examples for it.
Though some of those characters were definitely meant to be a better version of themselves, they still ended up in a much worse position garnering all possible criticism from the series’ viewers. However, things would’ve been more different (and probably boring) without them either — so, despite their controversial actions, they do deserve a bit of gratitude.
Unlike some other characters, Nathan isn’t entirely bad — he just seems, well, a bit useless. Apart from some funny moments that do involve the character, Nathan doesn’t really do anything rather than just bringing Tommy to his senses every so often. That said, Nathan isn’t very participative when it comes to shifting things in the show’s plot line, yet he still manages to bring up some good laughs, so Landman’s fans don’t really mind having him there.
Cooper Norris
The character’s intentions to find his own way in life by establishing his own business might get him some praise from the viewers, yet it’s probably not that big of a deal to part his ways with his entire family. To the fans’ even bigger concern, Cooper’s relationships with Ariana played a key role in all the mess, making the character distance himself from everyone he’s grown up with at the most inappropriate moment.
Rebecca Falcone
Though she’s never really been a fan-favorite, Rebecca got in an even worse position when the first season’s finale revealed her suddenly awakened sense of conscience. Fans felt pretty weird about it, and not because a bad person can’t turn out to be a good one at some point — it’s just that in Rebecca’s case it didn’t feel natural at all.
On top of that, she literally spent the entire season complaining and getting angry at everyone around, so an abrupt major change in her character, despite the creators’ hopes, made her even more insufferable.
Cami Miller
Demi Moore’s character has been the most frequent object of the fans’ complaints — not because they didn’t like Cami as a whole, but just because she did seem to be a good character deprived of the screen time she deserved.
In season 1 Cami has only about 5 lines, yet she still manages to prove herself not only as a good mother and wife, but also as a good deal maker who puts her sincere beliefs first. The problem isn’t really in the character, but rather in bad writing — considering Moore’s recent triumph with Substance, there’s a strong hope that she’ll finally be given credit in Landman’s season 2.
Dale Bradley
Just like Nathan, Dale doesn’t really serve for anything except for being a good friend to Tommy, even though in a couple of scenes that was a questionable statement too. However, Dale does make a pretty good side character who makes it all easier when the times are getting rough for Tommy — also, just like Nathan, he is on good terms with the audience thanks to his jokes.