7 Iconic Horror Films Ranked From Easiest To Hardest To Survive

If only all characters were smart enough not to use forgotten, weird-looking old things or willingly put themselves in danger...
We've all been at some point in our lives when we thought a horror movie protagonist was screwing up and we could definitely do things better.
From slasher flicks to supernatural tales, each movie presents its own challenges to those who try to make it out alive.
But would it be as easy to survive as you think? Let's rank these 7 iconic horrors from easiest to hardest to outlive.
7. The Evil Dead (1981)/ Evil Dead Rise (2023)
Isn't it that simple? Never touch a strange, dusty book that you found somewhere down in the old basement. And never, do you hear us, never read it. And since when do you all speak Latin?
By the way, the trick with the CD was very smart, but we are not that stupid to play something that was attached to the Book of the Dead, right?
But if after all you still decided to break the rules, congratulations, you and everyone around you are 100% screwed.
6. Child's Play (1988)
We mean yeah, it's a doll possessed with the soul of a serial killer, but again, it's just a doll. If this little bastard decides to play he should be aware that he is not the one who is in charge.
As soon as Chucky tries to approach us with a knife, his rubber little body goes straight to the burning fireplace.
5. Scream ( 1996)
Come and try to make us your opening kill, you Doucheface. He might be relentless, but we are smarter.
Once we get a phone call with a "What's your favorite scary movie" intro — we head straight to the airport and wait out the massacre somewhere on the beach.
And for all those who stayed — don't go upstairs, never stay alone, and always shoot them in the head.
4. Terrifier (2016)
Once this creepy clown has his eyes on you, you're done. You can run, you can hide, but if he chooses you as his target, you can consider yourself dead.
It's almost impossible to outsmart him, as he always finds a way to a) rise from the dead and finish what he started and b) come up with the most ingenious ways to kill. We would probably kill ourselves before he used his torture tools on us.
3. The Purge (2013)
There is nothing more terrifying than ordinary people. We may try to build a bulletproof fortress and hide inside for 12 hours until the Purge Night ends, but there are so many people out there who are craving to kill that some of them would definitely find a way to sneak into our houses.
And resist a gang of people flying off the handle? Wouldn't make it.
2. A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
So basically, you should stay awake for the rest of your life if you don't want to be killed by the blade-handed murderer Freddy Krueger.
I'm sorry, but sleep is the crucial and most favorite part of our life, and we're not sacrificing it. Consider us sliced and diced.
1. The Saw (2004)
Are you telling us that we have to overcome all those twisted traps and solve intricate puzzles to escape? Hell, no.
As soon as Jigsaw forces us to cut our hands off or find a key in someone else's intestines, we lie on the floor and dramatically accept our fate.