8 Action B-Movies from the 90s That Became Unlikely Cult Classics

The 90s were filled with action movies that were released in a direct-to-video format, and back when we were watching TV, we were able to catch some of these while skimming through the channels.
Some of these works, though, amassed a cult following over the years — and for these 8 movies, it is completely understandable.
It's not that modern cinema has nothing to offer — it's just that sometimes you need to revisit things that brought you joy to experience it anew, through the eyes of an adult, and reevaluate your preferences and priorities.
Some of these shine brighter when your mind that has conquered the main obstacles of adulting can decipher the jokes and the subplots that went past you when you were just a kid in front of a tube TV. And we believe that you'll feel much more respect towards the VFX departments that worked on these movies because while sometimes janky, they still convey the idea in quite creative ways.
And don't get us started on the meme potential of some of these movies. These works became a shared experience for the whole generation, but you can add a new layer to that knowledge — an adult one.