TV Squid Game

8 K-dramas with Unmissable Plot Holes That Had Fans Baffled

8 K-dramas with Unmissable Plot Holes That Had Fans Baffled
Image credit: tvN

Sometimes, the show's plot can be easily substituted with a slice of Swiss cheese — and that's exactly the case with these 8 K-Dramas.

The logic, it seems, left the showrunners at one point, as its absence is quite noticeable. Maybe not on the first watch, but certainly during a rewatch.

K-Dramas know a way to mask plot holes: they make the plots complicated so the inconsistencies would be hard to make out.

The general premise of these shows initially seems over-the-top and lulls the viewer into the sense of bizarre security when they start to let things slide because the plot already is quite jarring so even the most blatant disregard of laws of logic, physics, or just common sense feels believable.

Sometimes, however, the viewer doesn't even have to dig deep: turning their critical thinking muscle on is enough, and no colorful setting can mask that.

Then again, if the plot hole makes the show more exciting, elevates the emotional drama, or moves the character development forward, then maybe it's for the best? After all, these are works of fiction, they don't have to follow the rules of the world that the viewers live in to the T, right?

Here's the list of all the k-dramas mentioned here: Big Mouth (2022), Squid Game ( 2021), It’s Okay to Not Be Okay (2020), Legend of the Blue Sea (2016), Goblin (2016), W: Two Worlds Apart (2016), Hyde, Jekyll, Me (2015), I Remember You (2015).