7 Rare Trilogies Where The Third Movie Beats Previous Two

7 Rare Trilogies Where The Third Movie Beats Previous Two
Image credit: Disney Channel, Universal Pictures

These movies managed to outdo their predecessors.

Most trilogies tend to peak at the first or second movie, but there are a few gems out there that defy this trend.

Let's look back at some of the best trilogies with the best third movies.

1. The Dollars Trilogy (The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly)

The Dollars Trilogy, also known as The Man With No Name Trilogy, is a classic example where the third movie, The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, outshines its predecessors. While all three films are well-regarded, the final installment is often hailed as a masterpiece.

2. The Wolverine Trilogy (Logan)

The Wolverine Trilogy is another case where the third movie, Logan, stands head and shoulders above the rest. The first movie was a bit of a letdown, and the second one showed promise, but it was the third installment that truly delivered, providing a brilliant send-off for the beloved character.

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3. National Lampoon's Vacation (National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation)

The National Lampoon's Vacation series is a comedy classic, but it's the third movie, Christmas Vacation, that has become a holiday staple. It's a film that many people watch year after year, making it a standout in the trilogy.

4. The Lord of the Rings ( The Return of the King)

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy is a masterpiece in its entirety, but some fans argue that the third movie, The Return of the King, is the best of the bunch. It's a grand conclusion to an epic journey, filled with heart-stopping battles and emotional moments.

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5. The Descendants Series (Descendants 3)

The Descendants trilogy, a made-for-television series, focuses on the teenage children of some of Disney 's most famous villains. The third movie, Descendants 3, slightly scored higher than its predecessors.

6. The Thor Trilogy (Thor: Ragnarok)

The Thor trilogy had a shaky start, but it was the third movie, Thor: Ragnarok, directed by Taika Waititi, that truly shone. Waititi's unique style and humor transformed the movie into a vibrant adventure, making it the best of the trilogy. We better simply forget there was a fourth movie.

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7. The Bourne Series (The Bourne Ultimatum)

The original Jason Bourne trilogy ended with The Bourne Ultimatum, a movie praised for the spy drama and breathtaking action, making it the best of the trilogy.

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