
A Dramedy Tom Hanks Calls ‘One of the Crappiest Movies Ever Made’ Is Free to Stream Now

A Dramedy Tom Hanks Calls ‘One of the Crappiest Movies Ever Made’ Is Free to Stream Now
Image credit: Warner Bros.

Tubi might be facing a major streaming rival now.

A star-studded cast has been long considered one of the best solutions to the movie’s potential failure in theatres, but even this option sometimes fails too, and that pretty much sums up the kind of movie that just became free to watch 35 years after its initial release.

With the free streaming platform Tubi rising to stardom thanks to quite frequent releases of films and shows, Warner Bros. is suddenly a very unlikely company to confront the service with some offerings of its own.

The studio is now giving out a collection of around 30 movies free of charge to anyone who ever wanted to check those flicks out, and a major flop starring Bruce Willis, Tom Hanks, and Melanie Griffith is also there.

The Bonfire of the Vanities Is Now Free to Stream on YouTube

As a result of Warner Bros’ very unexpected flow of generosity, the movie is currently available for watching for free on the company’s YouTube channel.

A Dramedy Tom Hanks Calls ‘One of the Crappiest Movies Ever Made’ Is Free to Stream Now - image 1

Directed by Brian De Palma, The Bonfire of the Vanities is adapted from Tom Wolfe’s 1987 story of the same name and follows Tom Hanks’ powerful Wall Street executive Sherman McCoy who gets into big trouble when his girlfriend rides over a Black boy and vanishes from the crime scene without reporting it.

Having figured out that the couple was there together during the ride, alcoholic tabloid reporter Peter Fallow is ready to give anything for covering the story, reassured that it will be scandalous enough to eventually get to the court.

The Bonfire of the Vanities Was a Huge Critical and Box Office Flop

A Dramedy Tom Hanks Calls ‘One of the Crappiest Movies Ever Made’ Is Free to Stream Now - image 2

Despite having a trio of Hollywood’s darlings as its leads, the movie didn’t really fill critics and viewers with much enthusiasm and was eventually crashed and forgotten.

On Rotten Tomatoes, the flick still owns discouraging scores of 15% and 26%; the last nail in The Bonfire of the Vanities’ coffin was an even bigger failure in the theatres where the movie earned only $15 million against its budget of $47 million.

Naturally, that doesn’t come as a surprise since even the film’s stars have confessed to never liking it in the first place, with Tom Hanks revealing that he considers The Bonfire of the Vanities “one of the crappiest movies ever made”.