TV Grey's Anatomy

A Grey's Anatomy Affair Fans Wish They Could Erase From Their Memory

A Grey's Anatomy Affair Fans Wish They Could Erase From Their Memory
Image credit: ABC

We get it, it's a drama show, but this one was really dirty.

Grey's Anatomy is full of affairs and intrigue, but there's one particular fling that fans will never be okay with, and you're right if you immediately think of the couple that is arguably the most dramatic on the entire show: Teddy and Owen.

The romantic history between Owen Hunt and Teddy Altman is full of ups and downs. This relationship has never been perfect, but when Teddy cheated on Owen with Tom Koracick and left this voicemail where Owen could actually hear it, it was over the top.

"Honestly, [it is] one of the things that shocked me the most on Grey's, I managed to avoid spoilers kind of or could assume some things on what I'd read. But that caught me off guard, [a] genuine gasp," Redditor tracysyellowumbrella recalled.

The worst part is that many people actually believe that Koracick was better for Teddy than Owen, but this scene ruins all the magic. Some fans wish they could erase the scene from their minds, but Grey's Anatomy isn't going to rewatch itself, and sometimes you just don't want to skip episodes. This is why many fans have to endure the fact that not only Owen, but a handful of other people heard it in the OR.

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To be fair, some fans admit that they would be much more upset if it happened to someone other than Owen. After all, he is not the most likable character, and he is definitely not the best boyfriend (and later husband) on the show.

No matter how much of a train wreck the relationship between Teddy and Owen was, the voicemail scene is still one of the most cringe-worthy. Somehow, however, the couple survived and moved on, but even their marriage has not fixed things, leading many people to believe that the two are better off with someone else.

Grey's Anatomy is currently in its 19th season, with the new episode premiering on February 23 on ABC.

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