Alien Romulus: What Was That Monster & How Is It Connected to Prometheus?

Alien Romulus: What Was That Monster & How Is It Connected to Prometheus?
Image credit: 20th Century Studios

That's the terrifying creature we have never seen before.

The action of Alien: Romulus took place between the events of Alien and Aliens. A group of colonists went to an abandoned research station of the Weyland-Yutani Corporation, divided into sections Romulus and Remus.

The group included commander Tyler, his pregnant sister Kay, a girl named Rain, her android brother Andy, Tyler's cousin Bjorn and Bjorn's girlfriend, pilot Navarro.

The marauders hoped to find stasis chambers on the station. They needed them to leave their Jackson's Star and travel to the planet Yvaga, where living conditions were better.

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On board, they found a damaged android who looked like Ash from the first Alien. He told them what had happened on the ship. Prior to the events of the movie, Weyland-Yutani employees found a xenomorph and conducted experiments on it. The scientists used the xenomorph's secretions to create a serum.

Because of their relatively weak health, humans have difficulty colonizing planets; their immunity weakens quickly, leading to diseases. With this serum, the Weyland-Yutani leaders sought to improve the human body. The alien mucus would help humans evolve and gain the ability to accelerate regeneration.

Something went wrong on Romulus and Remus, and all the explorers died. Almost every marauder met the same fate: Navarro and Bjorn died first, then the xenomorph dragged Kay into its lair. Rain, Tyler and Andy rescued the girl, but the monster killed Tyler. Rain helped Kay get to the ship.

Andy had some kind of seizure or malfunction during the encounter with the xenomorph. Ash's disk had been implanted in his system earlier, which is probably why this happened. Rain had to go back for her brother and reboot him. Kay was badly injured, so she decided to use the serum on herself to heal faster.

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Kay began to give birth, as the alien serum caused the baby to develop very quickly. As a result, Kay gave birth to an egg similar to the one in which facehuggers are born. A terrifying human-xenomorph hybrid hatched. In a short time, it grew and presumably killed Kay – this happened off-screen.

In the credits, this giant creature was referred to as the Offspring. It wounded Andy, but was unable to defeat Rain. The girl threw the monster overboard. Rain placed Andy in a stasis chamber, and went into cryosleep.

The Offspring looks a lot like the Engineers. The black goo that Kay injected herself with was the focus of the movie Prometheus, where the main action takes place in 2093, before the showdown in Romulus.

This is the same substance the Engineers used in their travels and research – that is, they discovered it and possibly improved it. The Engineers used the goo to cultivate various forms of life on planets. The substance can cause an organism or entire planets to transform and mutate – as well as destroy living things.

The Engineers created the xenomorphs as a biological weapon, but that very weapon eventually became a major threat to its creators. An important role in the development of the xenomorphs was played by the android David from Prometheus and Alien: Covenant, who conducted experiments on alien samples.

The appearance of the Offspring suggests that Engineers and humans are similar – not only in their desire to improve their species, but also genetically. After all, it was the Engineers who influenced the creation and development of humanity.

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