All The Handmaid's Tale Seasons Ranked From Worst To Best By Reddit

Hopefully, the grand finale will top them all.
The Handmaid's Tale is undoubtedly the kind of show that had no reason to break up and become a low-quality caricature of its own early seasons. Although this is the fate of many shows that cross the 5-year mark, fans of the story believe that this will not be the case after the release of season 6.
However, just like any other TV series, there are some seasons that viewers enjoy more than others. Whether it is the overall storyline, the strong acting, or the number of shocking twists and moments, some seasons just stand out more to the general audience.
The r/TheHandmaidsTale subreddit took it upon themselves to decide which seasons of The Handmaid's Tale were the best and which were the worst. Here are the results, ranked from "just there" to absolute fan-favorite.
5. Season 5
Unfortunately, the last year of the show was not as enjoyable as the previous ones. Some fans feel that the lack of world-building around the characters at this point started to get to the writers, and all the drama between the characters just felt unnatural. Hopefully, season 6 will wrap things up in a better way.
4. Season 3
This is the season where those who binge-watch the show usually get a little bored with it. Apart from a few very good and exciting episodes, everything else could be described as filler due to the stagnation of the storyline. What's even more disappointing is how perfectly season 2 set the stage for season 3 to shine, but instead, it flopped.
3. Season 4
The story drops a bit in quality as June finally reaches Canada, but it still remains cathartic for the plot. Also, fans can't get over the incredible acting of Elisabeth Moss. Although the actress has shown her talent since the beginning, many feel that this season marks the peak of her performance.
2. Season 2
Season 2 is considered by fans of the show to be just as good as the first, and in fact, they are often cited together as the standouts. Many viewers who watched The Handmaid's Tale long after its premiere have had the opportunity to binge the first two seasons together and say that neither is worse than the other.
1. Season 1
It's not surprising that the very beginning of the show takes the top spot. The first season not only introduces the characters but also the world in which the events take place. Both terrifying and compelling, Gilead could never let anyone go without finding out how the system would fall.