Movies The Lord of the Rings

Aragorn and Boromir Shared a Kiss on the Lips in First Lord of the Rings Script

Aragorn and Boromir Shared a Kiss on the Lips in First Lord of the Rings Script
Image credit: Legion-Media

Well, as a matter of fact they did. Not in the initial script of Peter Jackson's The Fellowship of the Ring, though.

Certainly when we hear about "adaptation" or "script" of The Lord of the Rings, we immediately think about Jackson's film trilogy, which is going to remain among the greatest fantasy movies of all time for the foreseeable future. But it was not the first attempt to bring Tolkien's writing on the big screen.

Back in 1970, British filmmaker John Boorman, the director behind classic thriller movie Deliverance, wrote a script for the Lord of the Rings movies. Now you can find the full screenplay online.

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The script contains many, many changes to Tolkien's writing, and its take is quite different from Jackson's movies too, with changes generally being much more radical. And in one scene, Aragorn and Boromir indeed do share a kiss (you can find this scene on page 50 of the script), after Arwen calms the two men, when they've had a confrontation about who should carry Elendil's broken sword Narsil:

"The two men bend their knees and kiss the thighs of her dress. They are both deeply moved. Boromir weeps openly and a tear starts out of Aragorn's grey eyes. They rise up and Boromir kisses Aragorn's mouth. They turn back to Arwen but she is gone."

Neither the kiss, nor teleporting Arwen are, by the way, the most outlandish parts of that scene, as you can easily check. While Boorman corresponded with Tolkien's himself about the adaptation, the project went nowhere, unsurprisingly so, given how seriously Tolkien treated his fictional world.

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And that perhaps was for the best – while some liberties Peter Jackson took with the book scenes and characters were excessive, widely criticized, and did not really need to be taken, his trilogy probably came as close as realistically possible to being a faithful adaptation of the notoriously unfilmable book.

And oh well, insofar as kisses between men go, it limited itself to Aragorn giving Boromir a kiss on the forehead as the latter was dying in The Fellowship of the Ring. If you want something more steamy, your only resort is fanfics.