Are GoT's Daenerys and Jon Snow Actors Friends in Real Life?

Game of Thrones is a beloved television series that captured the hearts of millions of viewers around the world.
One of the most popular storylines within the show revolved around the characters of Daenerys and Jon Snow, who are played by Emilia Clarke and Kit Harington, respectively. As fans of the show, many people wonder if these two actors are friends in real life.
The short answer is yes. Kit Harrington and Emilia Clarke are firm friends off-screen and still see each other regularly.
Harrington also met his now wife Leslie Rose when she played Ygritte in season 2 of Game of Thrones. Ygritte entered the show as Jon Snow's love interest but was written out of the show in season 4 when she died in his arms after being mortally wounded by an arrow.
Harrington said some friendships that he has maintained even after the series ended were "unexpected". He classes his continued companionship with Clarke in that category. Clarke, he said, often goes to his house and plays with his child.
He likened the end of a series to leaving school. "You have this tight bond of people over this one thing", he said, "and then it ends".
He went on to describe the "deep sadness" that comes with it because you know "you're not going to be in that group of people having that shared experience again". Although he also acknowledged that this continual moving on is part of the life of an actor.
Inevitably, many of the relationships formed on set fall by wayside. Another aspect of life as an actor is spending weeks (maybe months) on location. So, naturally, some people simply drift apart, only catching up occasionally at an awards ceremony or some other official get-together. Harrington confirmed this when he said, "you do hold on to relationships".
But this is not the case for Kit Harrington and Emilia Clarke who left the show with a firm, if unexpected, friendship. Perhaps the unexpected nature of their relationship stems from the fact that they didn't actually film together until the last two seasons of the show.
It was only in season 7 that Dany made her way to Westeros where she met with Jon for the first time in a dramatic scene packed with power plays. Their time together on screen developed and it seems natural that they would have formed a bond as they played such iconic characters in some great scenes throughout the final seasons of one of the most popular shows to ever grace our screens.
Maybe a little more than just leaving school, Kit. But we get the gist of what you were saying.
In summary, Game of Thrones fans can rest assured that Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow remain firm friends to this day.