Believe It Or Not, Young Sheldon’s Mary Is Not That Far Off Her Cheating Husband

To put it plainly, their marriage was doomed.
Though Young Sheldon was very different from The Big Bang Theory 's original canon about Sheldon's early years, there was one thing the show managed to capture perfectly: the state of Cooper's marriage.
They may never have shown the cheating itself (though there's plenty of time for that), but it was very clear that whether it happened or not, George and Mary weren't going to be able to survive as a couple much longer.
What many viewers don't really understand about the scenario Young Sheldon is playing is how Mary is treated as if she's better than George.
While George, the patriarch of the Cooper family, was portrayed as a villain by the adult Sheldon in The Big Bang Theory, series creator Chuck Lorre admitted that this was wrong. With Lance Barber taking over the role in Young Sheldon, he was able to make the character more realistic and well-rounded, with both good and bad sides to him.
Of course, whatever was going on between him and Brenda is far from normal for any marriage, and he should not have been involved, physically or otherwise. However, his wife doing essentially the same thing with Pastor Rob doesn't get nearly as much disapproval.
Both characters are engaging in what's called emotional cheating. They may be physically faithful to each other, but the meaning of their relationship and marriage has long been out of the question for both of them. Instead of being honest with each other about this, they look for excuses to spend time with whomever their hearts really desire.
Technically, both George and Mary are guilty of the same crime and not guilty at the same time. The failure of their marriage due to all the pressures they face in their daily lives is not really anyone's fault, but neither of them is willing to face the problem and deal with it like adults.
Whether or not that will happen in the upcoming season 7, we'll have to wait and find out for ourselves. Stay tuned for the latest news and behind-the-scenes updates on the show's production.