Best NCIS Episodes, According To Fans

If you watched NCIS, you would definitely agree that these episodes stand out the most.
Throughout its long history, with its twenty seasons, NCIS generated quite a lot of amazing and memorable episodes. We are going to look back at the best episodes, according to NCIS fans from Reddit.
Chained — S2E10
Tony is assigned to infiltrate a group of suspects in search of stolen Iraqi antiques. He assumes the role of a prisoner and becomes associated with one of the individuals.
The situation takes a turn for the worse when both Tony and the suspect mysteriously vanish.
The episode takes a slow start and gains pace with all the right elements for a thriller mystery adventure to work, so it's no wonder fans loved the episode so much.
Truth or Consequences — S7E1
In the premiere episode of season 7, the NCIS team is dealing with Ziva's departure from the agency and trying to navigate their own lives.
The episode was incredibly well-crafted, with exceptional writing and acting. It encompassed all elements, from drama and humor to action and pathos.
Call of Silence — S2E7
In the episode, an ex-Marine and recipient of the Medal of Honor, who participated in World War II, shows up At NCIS headquarters and admits to killing his comrade during a battle against the Japanese.
The entire episode is great, but you won't be able to hold back your tears during the intensely emotional and heart-wrenching last 10 minutes. The lump in your throat is inevitable.
Keep Going — S14E13
Palmer takes part in an NCIS inquiry regarding a hit-and-run, where he finds an unknown individual on the ledge of a building and endeavors to rescue the man from peril.
A very heartfelt episode. Many fans claim it to be very emotional. Jimmy Palmer was amazing in the episode, as was Gibbs, Bishop, and Ducky.
The Arizona — S17E20
The episode revolves around a man who asserts that he was a crew member on the U.S.S. Arizona, and the team trying to authenticate his identity.
Fans enjoyed this fine episode and frequently include it in the top episodes over all these many seasons.