Better Call Saul: 5 Scenes That Are Comedy Gold (And 5 That Deserve a Place in Hall of Cringe)

These scenes made us laugh at their hilarity and cry at their awkwardness.
We all love Better Call Saul, some of us even more than its predecessor Breaking Bad. While mainly being a criminal drama, the show has its fair share of great comedic scenes.
At the same time, even the most die-hard fans have to admit there are moments that make us scratch our heads, trying to come to terms with the awkwardness or bizarreness we’ve just witnessed.
Tony the Toilet Buddy – Funny
Don’t even tell us that you didn’t crack up at the Tony the Toilet Buddy scene. When Jimmy is on his relentless search for clients, he stumbles upon an inventor who created a talking toilet for potty-training kids.
Sounds innocent enough, right? Well, when Tony enthusiastically encourages the user with phrases like, “Oh yeah! That’s the way!” it’s impossible not to laugh at the awkwardness.
Big Guy Running Away from Mike – Cringey
Remember the scene where Mike meets Pryce for the first time? Besides Mike two other “bodyguards” arrived for the meeting. Mike smoothly takes down Mr. X, portrayed by Steven Ogg, who tried to convince Pryce that they didn’t need Mike, but what about the other guy?
The big guy just runs away. No words, no fight, no actual danger. Mike wasn’t going to hurt him as Mr. X was the one who started the fight. Why would the big guy run away like a little girl? It felt like it was straight out of a slapstick comedy, not a gritty crime drama.
Jimmy's Mesa Verde Commercials – Funny
Jimmy's creative (and often questionable) advertising tactics are a constant source of amusement throughout the show. Remember those hilariously over-the-top Mesa Verde commercials?
Using elderly actors to imply that Mesa Verde bank is taking advantage of them is pure Saul Goodman. It's so bad, it's good. And by good, we mean absolutely hysterical.
Mike Getting Mad at Kaylee – Cringey
This was a tough scene to digest for many reasons. Mike's soft spot has always been his family, particularly his granddaughter Kaylee. To see him, a character we've grown to respect for his stoicism, snap at her was jarring.
Watching Mike snap at his beloved granddaughter Kaylee was not just cringey and sad but also downright uncomfortable.
“A Man… F***ing a Horse?” – Funny
Season 5 brought in the grumpy old man, Evertt Acker (played by Barry Corbin). He's living on the spot Mesa Verda bank wants to mow down for a call center. And, the guys's not playing nice with their lawyer squad, no matter what they throw at him.
Jimmy shows Acker a nasty picture of a dude getting... "friendly" with a horse. Jimmy's basically saying he's the guy and he'll go to any lengths to mess with the bank, which is the horse in this weird metaphor. Acker’s reaction is absolutely priceless.
Sex Yeps – Cringey
The black and white scenes in the show are a treasure trove of information about where things are after the madness of Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad. But that one scene with Kim and her super plain hubby was really cringe-worthy.
Him constantly repeating "yep" during their intimate time together… Cringey doesn't even begin to describe. The creators wanted to show how mundane Kim's life had become, but surely there was a better way.
Jimmy's Howard Cosplay – Funny
Jimmy never misses a chance to mess with Howard, and this instance takes the cake. Wearing Howard’s signature look, from the Hamlindigo Blue suit to the exact tie, Jimmy hilariously mimics Howard, right down to his tan.
Yes, it was cruel of Jimmy and Kim to do Howard so dirty, but this advanced-level trolling was hilarious. The whole sequence is a comedic masterpiece.
Boxing Match – Cringey
Better Call Saul’s sixth season was a roller coaster of emotions, but even in the midst of all the scheming and drama, the boxing match between Jimmy and Howard was...odd.
Why on Earth would Howard challenge Jimmy to a boxing match? The scene felt so out of place that even the humor in it seemed forced. We're used to suspending our disbelief a little, but this was asking too much.
Saint Huell – Funny
When Huell gets arrested, Jimmy concocts an elaborate scheme to make it look like Huell is a beloved community figure, complete with fake letters of support and a staged protest. The sight of Huell being depicted as a kind of local saint, complete with halo, is just golden.
A fake website of a Baptist church from Huell’s hometown with Huell’s pictures painting him as a local hero deserves a special mention.
Lalo’s Jump from the Ceiling – Cringey
Lalo's grand entrance from the ceiling was something that felt really off. For a character as menacing and unpredictable as Lalo, this entrance felt like something straight out of a comic book or a cartoon.
While the moment was meant to be thrilling and showcased Lalo's cunning and resourcefulness, it felt really cringey. Plus, it was far from realistic.