Better Call Saul Has Its Own Ted Beneke, According to Fans

Better Call Saul Has Its Own Ted Beneke, According to Fans
Image credit: Legion-Media

No More Ted Thursday, or Unfortunately I Had Sexual Intercourse With Ted Beneke. And that is just part of the memes about the controversial Breaking Bad figure.

Now, fans insist there is a similarly embarrassing character in Better Call Saul. He may not have slept with Kim, but the parallels are certainly close.

Ted Beneke is a character in Breaking Bad universe who is best known for having sex with Skyler, the wife of the show's main protagonist. But the guy is quite funny and awkward.

Ted doesn't understand the big game going on around him, he continues to build a relationship with Mrs. White, not even knowing that her husband is one of the most dangerous people in Albuquerque.

At the same time, there is a similar goofball named Pryce in the Better Call Saul series. After a few successful deals, he immediately bought a flashy Hummer.

Although, there was a series of events that prove once again that Pryce is just an ordinary fellow with no understanding of the kind of people he surrounds himself with.

Worst of all, these two characters don't take no for an answer. They're pretty dumb and stubborn.

However, fans note that while Ted is more annoying, Pryce is more fun and unstressful, and sometimes even pitiful, because he's not that much of an idiot.

The average nerd who collects baseball cards even becomes the victim of a robbery, which further connects him to the audience.

And many Redditors agree that Ted got on the audience's nerves, while Pryce was pretty funny on screen.

Better Call Saul Has Its Own Ted Beneke, According to Fans - image 1

Sure, Pryce didn't sleep with the girlfriend of the show's main hero, Jimmy McGill, even though he had the same legal problems and incredible spending habits as Ted.

It may be a silly comparison, however you can't help but notice the similarities between the characters, even if the guy from Better Call Saul seems a little more attractive.

Redditor nateomundson made a very interesting suggestion that actually makes sense: "That's because Kim wasn't the Skyler of BCS. She was the Jesse. The Skyler of BCS was Chuck."

Despite Pryce's charm, Ted has managed in his own way to win the hearts of viewers and become the butt of many jokes among fans of the Breaking Bad universe.

Source: Reddit

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