Big Bang Theory Creators Had to Beg This Star to Agree to a Lead Role

The Big Bang Theory viewers could get a different show if Kaley Cuoco had her way.
Actors often influence the arcs of the characters they play. Especially, it is true for shows that run for many seasons and are bound to feature the growth and development of their storylines. Often, a story of a character is directly influenced by the events of an actor's life or their insights.
It means The Big Bang theory could be a totally different show with a totally different main female character. Initially, Kaley Cuoco didn't want to play the role of Penny and had her reasons for it.
Turned out, the actress liked the role of a female character from the original The Big Bang Theory pilot and thought it was a much more interesting role to play. Originally, Sheldon and Leonard's neighbor was this girl called Katie.
The character, much more cynical and dark, might have been exciting to play, but the test viewers didn't love her. They thought she was too mean and couldn't develop a bond with Sheldon and Leonard. Based on this opinion, the sitcom's creators changed the character to a softer kinder Penny who was able to instantly connect with the scientists next door.
In recently published Jessica Radloff's book, casting director Ken Miller remembered that Kaley Cuoco was hesitant to take up the role of a pretty aspiring actress, while he and the showrunners were sure she was a perfect fit.
"Nikki [Lorre] spent the entire weekend saying to Kaley's agent, 'She's gotta come back in for this, she's gotta do it,'" Miller recalled.
Cuoco also remembered that time and told Radloff that she was not convinced the job was what she was hoping for. She and her team didn't want her to be stuck in what felt like a secondary role. But Miller and Lorre both tried to persuade her that the character was going to grow and have a big influence on the events of the show. Besides, creator Chuck Lorre was already famous for several shows. So in the end, Kaley gave up and accepted the role.
It was a lucky day for everyone, including the actress. The show has changed her life, making her one of the richest celebrities on television. And Cuoco appreciates it. In fact, she thanked Miller and Lorre at every table read.
"I would always yell out, 'Thank you for hiring me!'" Kaley recalled in the book.