Biggest Infinity War Mistake Marvel Fans Still Can't Get Over

Biggest Infinity War Mistake Marvel Fans Still Can't Get Over
Image credit: Legion-Media

Though fans attempt to exonerate the Russo brothers, the mistake they made in Avengers: Infinity War might be one of the biggest to this day.

The scene in question features Tom Vaughan-Lawlor's Ebony Maw and Josh Brolin's Thanos. Ebony Maw presents Thanos with the Tesseract containing the Space Stone that gives the user power over space. Maw is on his knees and tells Thanos who already has the Power Stone allowing its owner to access and manipulate all forms of energy that not a single person in the MCU has ever used two Infinity Stones at once.

"No other being has ever had the might... nay, the nobility... to wield not one, but two Infinity Stones. The universe lies within your grasp," the adoptive son of Thanos says.

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That's where angry fans come in. They were quick to remember that actually there was one time when a Marvel character owned two objects containing the Infinity Stones.

"In Infinity War, Maw said that no other being has ever had two infinity stones. This is wrong because in The Avengers, Loki has his Scepter (Mind Stone) and the Tesseract (Space Stone)," a Reddit user explained.

And it's true. In the first Avengers movie, Tom Hiddleston 's Loki is given the Chitauri Scepter – which later is confirmed to hold the Mind Stone – by The Other. The Scepter is needed to obtain the Tesseract, which Loki steals from S.H.I.E.L.D. and uses to open a portal to space letting an alien army in. Technically, Loki was holding both the Mind Stone and the Space Stone at the same time, which means that Ebony Maw's speech was an epic fail. However, many fans took to the Internet to explain the blooper.

"He has the Mind Stone, but it was in a Scepter and was much more limited in power than it seems to be in vision's head. The Tesseract was also acting as a housing unit, and he set it up on a machine that used it to open a portal. Both of these are technically using them, but I think the spirit of Ebony Maw's statement stands. Thanos put both the Power Stone and the Space Stone in a gauntlet without a protective housing and felt the full power of both. He also actively used them as opposed to setting them up in a device to be used," one fan suggested, and others couldn't help but agree.

Besides, fans think that the human – or should we say alien? – component cannot be ruled out. Ebony Maw might be a simple kiss-ass.

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