TV Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods: 5 Reagans Fans Hate with a Burning Passion

Blue Bloods: 5 Reagans Fans Hate with a Burning Passion
Image credit: CBS

Even though Blue Bloods solely focuses on the Reagan family, not all members of it are equally loved by fans. These five, for instance, almost exist to be hated!

5. Nicky Reagan-Boyle

Throughout the series, we get to see Nicky grow up before our eyes, which typically endears characters to fans. Not in this case, however: even though Nicky became way older and more mature, her nature still annoys Blue Bloods fans to no extent. Nicky often comes off as bratty and inadequately annoying, and many fans claim she’s so insufferable they even fast-forward her scenes.

4. Joe Hill

The latest addition to the Reagan family, Joe had no idea he had such powerful relatives until recently. Even though the young man seemingly tries to blend in and fit into his new family, he just isn’t enough in fans’ eyes. Joe is too different from the Reagans, and he often comes off as either annoying and angsty or simply useless. Many fans don’t even keep his existence in mind.

3. Eddie Janko-Reagan

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Despite fans cheering when Eddie legally joined the Reagan clan by marrying Jamie, it quickly turned out to be a poor choice. After the wedding, the strong and independent Eddie was no more, and she started relying on the Reagans in most cases, making her become another annoying and pointless character. Fans miss the old Eddie and bash the new one — she just doesn’t work for them.

2. Danny Reagan

This may sound surprising but the most loved character of Blue Bloods is also one of the most hated. Danny has a metric ton of screen time and gets things done, but his methods are questionable at best, and his self-righteous attitude turns him into your typical abusive cop at times. Many fans are very much not on board with that, and Danny gets as much hate as love from the viewers.

1. Erin Reagan

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No other Reagan on the show gets quite as much hate as Erin. One of the few clan members who are not a member of the police force, Erin chose the path of a District Attorney — and this storyline alone earned her endless frustration points with Blue Bloods fans. Erin’s sense of superiority and constant search for confrontation made her the least likable of all the Reagans.