Blue Bloods Season 14 Already In The Works, Has Guest Stars

As CBS announced the renewal of multiple other procedural series and never mentioned Blue Bloods, many fans started worrying about the uncertain status of the show.
The fact that the negotiations on season 14 and its budget cuts have been going on for quite some time now didn't help. While most believe that Blue Bloods is certain to get at least a couple more seasons, the lack of news is unnerving.
But now, we might have evidence that season 14 is actually in the making right now!
According to Fox News, the Blue Bloods star Tom Selleck and Larry Manetti, his co-star from Magnum, P.I., are brought back together for an episode of Selleck's show.
They were seen on Long Island, and an Instagram post by Donny Wahlberg confirmed that they are currently working together, showing a group picture of Manetti and the Blue Bloods regular cast.
As if all that wasn't enough, another confirmation came from the Blue Bloods location manager, who said that the crew was in the middle of shooting the episode with Manetti.
It seems the negotiations are going pretty well, even though we are yet to hear the official announcement of season 14.
At least the new season seems to already be in the works, so as soon as the negotiations are settled, we won't have to way too long for it.
The real question is how will the show handle the budget cuts that are a big part of the negotiations — but it's no time to lose hope yet.