Blue Bloods Season 14: Is Jackie Returning to Ruin This Character's Career?

Blue Bloods Season 14: Is Jackie Returning to Ruin This Character's Career?
Image credit: CBS

Danny's former partner detective Jackie Curatola is crucial to one of Blue Bloods' biggest storylines that must be resolved before the finale of the show.


  • Jackie Curatola is one of the three OG Blue Bloods characters officially returning in Season 14.
  • Together with Danny and Maria, Jackie will finally bring the serial killer Dr. Walker to justice.
  • Beyond that, we’re positive that Jackie will say her last farewell in Episode 2 and leave the show for good.

One of the three already confirmed returning characters in Season 14, detective Jackie Curatola will join Danny Reagan and Maria Baez in their Episode 2 investigation. She’s instrumental to ending one of the biggest Blue Bloods storylines of the latest seasons as without her, one prominent villain can’t be brought to justice.

Jackie Will Reunite With Danny Once Again

Many Blue Bloods fans fondly remember the times when Jennifer Esposito’s Jackie Curatola was a permanent cast member as the golden days of the show. Back then, the grass was greener and the hopes of Danny Reagan finally finding peace after his wife’s death and having a new romantic partner were at all time high.

Blue Bloods Season 14: Is Jackie Returning to Ruin This Character's Career? - image 1

Unfortunately for the shippers, Danny and Jackie, despite their great chemistry, were never meant to be together, as Esposito’s previous guest appearance in Blue Bloods proved. But the two are still on great terms as former partners, and even more so — they need each other to finally draw the line under a long and tedious case of theirs.

Jackie Returns To End This Villain's Career

The one unresolved case that’s been eating on both Jackie Curatola and Danny Reagan for years is the case of Dr. Leonard Walker. This serial killer has proven to be a massive pain in the backside for both, escaping their grasps time and time again, with his last escape being especially infuriating as he almost killed Jackie.

Blue Bloods Season 14: Is Jackie Returning to Ruin This Character's Career? - image 2

While Blue Bloods fans will be happy to see Jennifer Esposito back any day of the week, there’s only one reason for her reappearance story-wise: to join forces with Danny and Maria and finally bring Dr. Walker to justice after all this time.

Seeing that this serial killer is one of the storylines that must be concluded before Blue Bloods ends with Season 14, it's safe to assume that Dr. Walker will be caught in S14E2. After that, however, get ready to say farewell to Jackie Curatola: we're pretty positive she'll leave Danny’s side for good and never return again.

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