Bridgerton Gets Disney-fied, And That's a Movie We Need to Happen ASAP

Bridgerton Gets Disney-fied, And That's a Movie We Need to Happen ASAP
Image credit: AI

If a Disney-fied version does come to fruition one day (hey, we can dream, right?), you can bet we'll be first in line at the box office.

Hold onto your corsets, folks, because it looks like Bridgerton is a perfect choice for a Disney makeover. Yes, you heard that right, our beloved characters got the princess treatment, and some fans are already calling for the movie adaptation ASAP. Who needs Season 3 when you have a Disney-fied Bridgerton movie to lowkey dream about?

It all started when some Bridgerton fans got creative during the long wait for the next season. They used AI technology (MidJourney, to be exact) to give the show a Disney makeover, and let me tell you, it is something to behold.

Suddenly, the Duke of Hastings is no longer just a dashing and brooding hero but also a charming Disney prince. Daphne, our favorite debutante, is now a Disney princess in her own right.

Bridgerton Gets Disney-fied, And That's a Movie We Need to Happen ASAP - image 1

The other Bridgerton characters also fit perfectly into the Disney mold. They all look like they could have stepped out of a classic animated film.

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Bridgerton Gets Disney-fied, And That's a Movie We Need to Happen ASAP - image 3

Just take a look at Penelope: she's just as adorable as a Disney princess!

Bridgerton Gets Disney-fied, And That's a Movie We Need to Happen ASAP - image 4

Now, some may wonder why anyone would want to see a Disney-fied version of Bridgerton when the show is already so perfect. But let's be real, we've all watched our favorite Disney movies on repeat for hours on end. Imagine doing the same with a Bridgerton Disney movie. The possibilities for catchy songs, elaborate dance numbers, and over-the-top romantic gestures are endless. And if the success of the show is any indication, there's definitely an audience out there for it.