Movies Disney+ Captain America

Captain America Could Have Had The Most Cringeworthy Superhero Name Ever

Captain America Could Have Had The Most Cringeworthy Superhero Name Ever
Image credit: globallookpress

Beware: this information will be stuck in your head forever.

After all these years of Captain America in comic books, games, movies, and cartoons, it may seem like there's nothing more to learn about him.

However, the more years the character has been around, the more interesting facts you may find. Rest assured, there's something you didn't know about Cap that you'll want to unlearn immediately.

We all know him by either Steve Rogers, the original Captain America's birth name, or his superhero name, but it wasn't always that way.

As Joe Simon, one of the artists who created Captain America in 1941, revealed in his autobiography, The Comic Book Makers, the original superhero name he had in mind was Super American.

"I wrote the name 'Super American' at the bottom of the page. No, that didn't work. There were too many 'supers' around. 'Captain America' had a good sound to it...there weren't a lot of captains in comics. It was as easy as that," Simon recalls.

It's a good thing the name was changed because no one really knows if Super American would survive the battle for the public's hearts with Superman, who was already one of the most popular heroes of the day.

As we know today, Simon's risky decision led to a boom of "Captain" names of all kinds in the superhero world: Captain Marvel, Captain Atom, and Captain Gravity, to name a few.

As for Super American, he came to life just six months after Captain America's comic book debut.

While his life wasn't quite as long, and his character wasn't even close to the depth of Captain America, hardcore comic book fans could still appreciate his arc.

If you're a fan of Captain America, it might be a good idea to have a movie night and rewatch all of his solo films, just to appreciate once again that you don't have to hear someone calling Steve Rogers a "Super American."

You can stream all the movies in order on Disney Plus.