
Captain America Going Green? New World Order Might Smash, And We Don't Know If It's Good

Captain America Going Green? New World Order Might Smash, And We Don't Know If It's Good
Image credit: globallookpress

Hulk-ifying Captain America. Do we need it?

An insider by the name of CanWeGetSomeToast posted three separate scoops on Twitter on April Fool's. However, they then revealed that only one of these tweets was a joke, the other two are real.

They later retweeted two of those posts and, interestingly enough, one of these tweets was about Captain America: New World Order.

In this tweet the insider claimed that the title of the film is going to be changed to Captain America: World War Hulks.

It would be nothing if it wasn't for the cast of the film. In the movie we will see Harrison Ford who will portray Thunderbolt Ross, previously portrayed by deceased William Hurt.

Liv Tyler will return to her role as Betty Rose, last time we saw her in the MCU in 2008 The Incredible Hulk. Tim Blake Nelson will return to his role as scientist Samuel Stern who was also absent since 2008.

Now, for those who don't remember, Samuel Stern was exposed to Banner's irradiated blood in the Incredible Hulk movie.

Captain America Going Green? New World Order Might Smash, And We Don't Know If It's Good - image 1

It was a way for Marvel to introduce Stern as a supervillain The Leader who would supposedly be the antagonist of the Hulk's sequel.

However, the sequel never saw the light, and the reason for it is probably that Universal Pictures held part of Hulk solo movies rights.

In the original source, The Leader's objective was to populate the planet with gamma monsters, and his initial experimental subject was Thunderbolt Ross who became Red Hulk.

There were rumors going on about an adaptation of World War Hulk comics plot in the Cinematic Universe.

However, the announcement by Marvel of The Leader's appearance in New World Order and Harrison Ford's replacement as Ross in the same film led to speculations about whether the upcoming Captain America movie was fused with World War Hulk, or if New World Order was establishing the groundwork for World War Hulk.

One of the theories is that Marvel may have postponed the release of the World War Hulk movie, which they had originally planned for an earlier date, to coincide with the expected return of the Hulk rights to them in June 2023.

To set up the WWH movie, they may have included some Hulk-related elements in the New World Order movie.

However, this theory is contingent on whether the rights do actually revert back to Marvel Studios.

Source: CanWeGetSomeToast on Twitter