
Chris Evans' Captain America Update Is the Last Nail in the Coffin of Original MCU

Chris Evans' Captain America Update Is the Last Nail in the Coffin of Original MCU
Image credit: Marvel Studios

Steve Rogers may have hung up Captain America's armor and passed it on to Sam Wilson, but is that it for Chris Evans in the MCU?

Ever since the actor s last appeared in 2019's Avengers: Endgame, which served as the logical conclusion to his character arc, fans have been pining for Evans to make a comeback in the MCU. Is that still on the cards?

The star has weighed in on the likelihood of his return at C2E2 in Chicago.

Evans talks about how much the character means to him and agrees that there are "more Steve Rogers' stories to tell." Don't get your hopes up just yet!

He goes on to say that he is "very precious with [the role]" and that he doesn't want to "mess up in any way." We know you would never, Chris!

The MCU has introduced the concept of the Multiverse and Chris Evans reprising the role of Steve Rogers (whatever universe he might be from) isn't going to create a plothole or erase Anthony Mackie's Captain from existence (or our hearts).

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So should we brace ourselves for double the Captains in Captain America: New World Order?

Sadly, no. At least, not according to Chris Evans (but we all know how actors can lie through their teeth right up until the release, right?).

The former Captain America says that now may not be the right time to share more of Steve's story, even though he is "connected to that role."

While his decision is upsetting to many fans, it is easy to understand. Steve simply doesn't fit into the direction that the MCU is taking at the moment – new stories with a new generation of heroes. We might even enjoy them!

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Chris Evans has played the beloved character for eight years, and he has given us the hero we deserve. Now it is time to see what Anthony Mackie's Captain America is capable of.

The important thing is not to compare the two and try to look at Mackie's character as a stand-alone. Hopefully, he won't be overshadowed by the original Captain's deeds!

A small part of us will keep dreaming that Chris will return for at least a cameo role. We guess that is the price to pay for all the love that his character has received from the fans!