
Cillian Murphy Starred in 10 of the Century's Best Sci-Fi Movies: Here's the List

Cillian Murphy Starred in 10 of the Century's Best Sci-Fi Movies: Here's the List
Image credit: Fox Searchlight, Warner Bros.

Although Oscar-winning actor Cillan Murphy is best known for his work in the period drama genre, with starring roles in "Oppenheimer" and "Peaky Blinders" among his most popular performances, he is also a dedicated lover of all things sci-fi, having starred in numerous fantastical films during his long career in Hollywood.

Murphy's characteristic detachment proved to be a great fit for sci-fi roles, and directors wasted no time in putting it to good use in their films, hiring the actor for both lead and supporting roles. And Mupry didn't disappoint, never appearing in a bad movie.

Here's every Cillian Murphy sci-fi movie, in order:

Even if we put some of Murphy's movies at the bottom of this list, fans of the actor should not be discouraged from watching them. On the contrary, even if the movies themselves were lacking in the writing and directing department, the actor's performances were always great and gave the movies a bit of levity.

And when Murphy's talent is matched by the talents of the production crew and the other actors, then the movie is basically destined to become a cult classic. It's hard to find an actor more dedicated to his craft than Murphy, and sci-fi fans should be thankful that he works in the genre so often!