
Daniel Radcliffe Addresses His Potential Cameo in the New Harry Potter TV Show

Daniel Radcliffe Addresses His Potential Cameo in the New Harry Potter TV Show
Image credit: Warner Bros.

The Harry Potter star has strong opinions on his and his ex-colleagues cameos in HBO’s upcoming reboot.

Ever since HBO announced their Harry Potter TV show, fans have been going wild with speculations, theories, and expectations all flooding online platforms. Among the most discussed things is the inclusion of the original cast as cameos, and everyone seems to have strong opinions on that: fans are either 100% for it or hate the very idea of mixing the movies and the series together.

Daniel Radcliffe, the OG Harry Potter star, has chosen his camp in this debate.

Radcliffe Addressed His Cameo in the TV Show

While a few original Harry Potter stars have already revealed they’d love to return for a quick cameo in HBO’s upcoming series, Daniel Radcliffe is completely against it. According to the actor, it would ruin the atmosphere of the new adaptation, and there’s overall no good reason to throw old soldiers into the new battle.

“I’m sure whoever is making [the show] will want to make their own mark on it and probably not want to have to figure out how to get old Harry to cameo in this somewhere. So I’m definitely not seeking it out in any way. <...> I’m very excited to have that torch passed, but I don’t think it needs me to physically pass it,” Radcliffe explained to ComicBook.

Recently, the actor mirrored this statement in his interview with E! News, claiming that new TV show’s creators “very wisely want to [have] a clean break.” Radcliffe’s stance on the matter hasn’t changed, but not all fans agree with him.

Potterheads Are Divided on Cameos in HBO’s Show

Daniel Radcliffe Addresses His Potential Cameo in the New Harry Potter TV Show - image 1

Obviously, many people share Daniel Radcliffe’s vision. Indeed, having the old cast randomly pop up in the middle of a serious scene could prove quite anticlimactic, immediately drawing the attention and excitement away from whatever is going on. If done incorrectly, a cameo could very well ruin the series’ own atmosphere and vibe.

But on the other hand, some fans advocate for getting a few original stars to make small cameos. They claim it would be merely a tribute to the beloved movies and a fun way to wink at Potterheads that wouldn’t take anything away from the show’s self. Of course, it still needs to be done cautiously, but overall — it’s a great idea.

Whose side are you on in the Harry Potter cameo debate?

Sources: ComicBook, E! News via YouTube