
Did Howard Stern Really Join the MCU?

Did Howard Stern Really Join the MCU?
Image credit: Legion-Media

America's most controversial radio host just spilled the beans about his involvement in the superhero franchise, but fans aren't sure if they believe him.

In recent years Howard Stern has changed his image dramatically, moving away from his uncensored and even mean-spirited image to a kinder, but still hilarious one. And it seems that some big Hollywood producers are willing to invite him into their films, since his participation wouldn't hurt the production no more. The shock-radio king has never acted professionally before, only appearing as himself or in occasional cameos in a small number of films. But it looks like Stern could be on a new career path in the near future.

On his hugely successful podcast, Stern left the microphone on after the show ended and seemingly informed his colleagues that he would play a part in the MCU 's 'Doctor Doom' project, which somehow involves Jon Favreau. Is this an actual confirmation or an elaborate prank?

Fans were quick to speculate that Stern would play Doctor Doom himself, given the radio host's regal stature and deep voice, perfect for embodying the masked ruler of Latveria.

"As a music producer, I personally think his voice has the right amount of texture for doom (the voice I have for him in my head that is haha)," – /Mountain_Exam_4268.

Almost all of the Reddit users who took part in discussing the news in a recent thread are indeed convinced that Stern told the truth about the movie being developed by Marvel Studios, but after some thought, agreed that Stern will not play the lead role because he clearly lacks the acting experience to embody this complex character.

"Definitely not playing Victor, but seems like a very legit slip up. Stern has rehabbed his image in the last couple years but still feel like it's an odd fit for him and Marvel both. Absolutely will not be Doom lol." – /WolfOfWingStreet.

One user even managed to develop quite a plausible outline for Stern's participation in the film, which will perfectly highlight decades-long career of the radio host.

"I don't believe Howard is playing Doom. I think that he will be playing himself in the movie, and be interviewing somebody on a radio show similar to his own. Probably will interview Victor, and cover some controversial topics like politics and events in his country. When Howard said 'I'm doing Doom' he meant his going to be in the movie. Not actually playing Doom." – /the_simonboulter.