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Doctor Who Latest News: Save the Dates For 60th Anniversary Episodes On Disney Plus

Doctor Who Latest News: Save the Dates For 60th Anniversary Episodes On Disney Plus
Image credit: BBC

If you are hearing some weird noises, it’s probably the TARDIS landing.


  • Doctor Who is a British sci-fi television series that originated in 1963, but took a break from broadcasting in the 90s. The show was revived by Russell T. Davies and the BBC in 2005 and has since become a staple of the genre.
  • The Doctor is a 900+ year-old alien who lives because of his ability to regenerate as another person.
  • For the anniversary of the show, David Tennant, who portrayed the 10th incarnation of the Doctor, will return as the 14th incarnation, along with his human companion Donna Noble, portrayed by Catherine Tate. And now, we have the date for when that happens!

There is nothing that gets a Whovian more excited these days than the talk of the show's 60th anniversary, for the series with such a complex production that in no way resembles a soap opera, such a number is truly miraculous. And what's even better is that fans have every reason to believe that this anniversary won't be the last.

Doctor Who is known in the UK as the show that just about everyone knows or has seen an episode of. While older generations have grown up with Doctor Who on their TV screens, younger people have watched reruns even when the show wasn't being filmed. It was never the plan to abandon the show completely, but no one thought a comeback was possible in 2005.

Thanks to Russell T. Davies, the BBC crew and Christopher Eccleston as the 9th Doctor, the dreams of billions of British people came true. The revival quickly became just as popular as before, and by 2010 was ready to take over the world, spreading its influence to the U.S. as well.

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Although David Tennant wasn't the first Doctor they'd met, as the show wasn't really available to American audiences until Matt Smith 's 11th Doctor, they quickly caught up and fell in love with every single incarnation. This is why David Tennant's comeback this November is so important to so many people.

Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Disney Plus Release Dates

Until recently, the only thing Whovians knew about the series' comeback, other than the cast and general premise, was that it would consist of three special episodes to be released in November.

Doctor Who Latest News: Save the Dates For 60th Anniversary Episodes On Disney Plus - image 2

There are two reasons for this particular time period: first, the very first episode of Doctor Who aired on November 23, 1963, so the creators wanted to pay their respects to the special date and keep the celebrations authentic, and second, there is already a Christmas special planned that will introduce the 15th Doctor, Ncuti Gatwa.

However, the latest update from Disney Plus and the BBC suggests that the release dates for the special episodes are already set. The first episode, The Star Beast, will be released on Saturday, November 25. The second, Wild Blue Yonder, will be released on Saturday, December 2, followed by the third, The Giggle, on Saturday, December 9.

In addition, the die-hard Doctor Who fans got to see a few more details of what awaits them in a newly released trailer.

As sad as the majority of the fandom is that David Tennant's return to the role of the Doctor would be so short-lived, they are just as excited to meet the next Doctor. What better Christmas present could there be?

If you are a fan of all things supernatural, you may want to mark the dates above in your calendar and tune in to Disney Plus to join the adventures of the 14th Doctor. Make sure to keep an eye out for more news and behind-the-scenes updates!