TV Doctor Who David Tennant

Doctor Who Needs to Finally Give Some Rest to These Overused Villains

Doctor Who Needs to Finally Give Some Rest to These Overused Villains
Image credit: BBC

Even the most intimidating enemies lose their charm when they are used too often.

Doctor Who famously does not have a specific villain for the protagonist to fight over the course of the series. To be fair, even the protagonists technically change when the Doctor regenerates.

However, despite the large number of different villains, some are overused, according to fans. On the Doctor Who subreddit, people have identified two villains that could really use some rest.

First, the Daleks. We get it: they are perhaps the most notorious monsters in the Doctor Who universe, known even to those who have never watched the show. But many people think it's time for the show to stop treating the Daleks like the last resort and only real threat in the series.

"When they keep getting trotted out once per season you start to run into the problem of "Well if they're so scary, how does the Doctor keep beating them so easily?" and Moffat was by far the worst offender with this dragging the Daleks into 11's run so often," Redditor ScarletOrion noted.

Fans also feel that the Cybermen are overused, especially as the Master's henchmen. There are several issues in the fandom about this; firstly, many fans feel that being someone's minions is not what makes the Cybermen special. Another is that these guys could use a bit of a makeover to become threatening again.

"The Cybermen definitely need [...] more of the body horror aspects used, as with that they can be genuinely terrifying," Redditor mildcuriositydoctorw said.

Still, despite the fandom's minor problems with villain selection, 2023 is a good year to be a Doctor Who fan. In the wake of the show's 60th anniversary, special episodes are on the way, led by the show's iconic star, David Tennant, who will return to travel in time once again. The premiere date has yet to be set by the BBC.